Page 5 of Bride of Monsters
"Oh, no. It must be so hard for her."
I violently shook my head, desperation and fear coursing through my veins. "Milli, it's terrible. I desperately need your help, but I must explain it all first so that you understand."
Millicent grabbed me firmly by the forearms and her gaze bore into me. "I'd prefer you tell me what you need help with first; no need to explain further."
I swallowed hard, desperation tightening its grip on me. "It's a reversal friends are lost in the mirror, I'm sure of it."
Her eyes widened in shock and she stepped back, her hands slipping from my arms. "Your friends?"
I nodded grimly, dread settling in my bones.
I stammered in shock as she uttered the words, "You mean those demons. Your new lovers." Her arms were crossed and her gaze was piercing, as if she were accusing me of some sort of crime.
"How did you know?" I demanded.
"There are whispers everywhere about you and your strange powers," she said in a low voice. "They say those demons helped you unlock an ability within yourself that was dark and dangerous. Is that true?"
"It is," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. I knew I should’ve denied it, but telling the truth about the situation felt like a weight lifting off my chest.
"Then if it's true, my father's theories are correct," she said softly, her words ringing with sorrow. "You are more broken and damaged than we thought."
I shuddered as her words sunk in, feeling the truth of what she said in my very bones. I knew she was right, but I couldn't bring myself to admit it.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to fault you for it. We are who we are," she stated.
I breathed a sigh of relief. "You don't know how glad I am that you understand."
"We all have our battles to fight. I'm sure you have your reasons for playing with fire."
"I do. It all started with my sister disappearing. Finn thinks that Sydney stole the moon orb for her own gains and to prevent him from rising as Regent of covens."
"He'll never be Regent of covens now. Not without a coven. They have abandoned Finn, haven't they?"
I nodded. "It took so much sacrifice for them to realize that Finn was a wreck."
Millicent rolled her eyes. “That’s what my father always said—that your coven would bring about its own downfall.”
As she spoke, a chill ran down my spine, and I saw pity in her eyes. It was almost like she knew that those words had only served to shame me. I strongly disagreed with her.
“My father shouldn’t have had to die. If it wasn’t for his accident, he would still be here—just like your father—still leading a coven and still donning the title Regent of the Covens,” I said, my voice heavy with emotion.
“I’m sorry, Sadie,” Millicent said, her voice softening. She spread her arms wide in a helpless gesture. “It’s just that so much of what my father predicted has come true—even though he didn't predict you'd be the one to cut off our access to ancestral magic.”
Guilt weighed heavily on my heart. Millicent was right about that too—it was me who had taken away the covens’ access to the ancestral magic.
"It's okay. I deserve every bit of what you feel, but I did everything with good reason. Partly because I wanted to stop Finn."
"I know that. I did a lot of thinking after all this happened. They say you got away from Finn. How did that happen?"
"Well, I had three demon kings to help me, remember?"
She smiled. "Demon kings, Sadie? I'm impressed. So, what did you do? Conjure up three more demons to help you."
"No. Remember when I told you I summoned three demons when we were little?"
"Yeah...?" Her eyes widened. "Are you telling way that these are the same demons from years ago."
I smiled. "They are. They were just stuck and couldn't get to me physically. Plus, according to them, I was using them for their magic and powers all those years. I had no idea I was drawing from them like that.”