Page 6 of Bride of Monsters
She giggled. "No wonder you would beat us all with your spells. You were stealing powers from demonic beings."
"And they let me." I sighed. "Milli, they're stuck in the mirror. I made a mistake of going to confront Mika about my sister's whereabouts and she unknowingly activated Aunt Naima's spell which was intended for somebody else and now they're stuck, I think, in this mirror."
“That means the mirror is an anchor.” She exhaled. “Reversal spells are difficult, Sadie."
"Reversal spells are your father's expertise," I challenged.
She spun around, hiding her expression. "I'm not my father."
"No, you're more powerful than he is."
She broke off and waltzed into my kitchen and yanked open the fridge. A very foul smell swept from inside.
"Ewww. Oh my God. Do you clean?"
"I haven't been here in a very long time so I probably have leftovers sitting in there more than a month old." I slammed the fridge closed. “I didn’t say help yourself.”
She giggled. “Darling, my momma taught me to offer guests food and beverages. And I know yours did too.”
I cracked a smile. “But Millicent, this is serious and I don’t have any food to offer you.”
"So, what happened then? Sex with demons so good you forgot about your life back home."
I bit my nails and muttered, "Um, yeah...sort of."
She pulled out a box of granola bars from my pantry and helped herself to one. "Your father would have you grounded if he were alive."
I gnawed on my lip. "I know."
"If he's in the ancestral realm in his afterlife, he's probably counting down the days you join him." She laughed. "You're going to be in so much trouble."
I giggled with her. "Wicked Millicent, are you plotting my death?"
"No, but I had no idea that's what you had in mind when you summoned those demons when we used to play with dolls."
"Millicent! That is absolutely not what I had in mind."
"I know." Her expression turned serious. "I miss this. I miss talking like this. I wish Sydney was here too."
"Me too." I sighed.
Loki wrapped his tail around my ankle and I picked him up.
Millicent caught a glimpse of his tag. "Why'd Naima name him Loki?"
"She didn't. Loki was a stray. She took him in."
Millicent looked questioningly at the cat again. "Hm," she grunted. "Anyway, I would help you with the reversal spell, but I can’t.”
"What do you mean? Can't?"
"I'm grounded. Father took away my magic. That's why he's not able to track me, by the way. It's a good thing. I'm not allowed use until another month. Can you wait that long?"
I plopped down on the couch. "Millicent, what did you do this time?"
"I might have used my magic to give the bodyguard he hired to stalk me a bloody nose and broken arm. The jerk pressed charges but he dropped them, but now he threatens to sue my father."
"Oh my gosh."