Page 21 of Absolute Harmony
“Anyway, there’s this sexual tension between us, and unless we do something about it, I’m not sure we can be friends again. At least, not how we used to be.”
“And by doing something about it, you mean fucking,” Hal said.
She grinned at him, that teasing Savina grin that made him hard as a rock. “I do.”
Every part of him wanted to say yes, but he couldn’t date Savina. Not when his guilt over Alan’s death ate up so much of him. It wasn’t fair to saddle her with the shell of the person he used to be.
“I don’t want to date you,” he said and then muttered a curse. “Shit, that didn’t come out the right way. It’s just, I’m not -”
“It’s fine,” she said. “I think we’re better off as friends too. But a night of sex could help eliminate the tension between us, right?”
He swallowed hard, hoping his disappointment and hurt weren’t a red beacon on his face. Savina was saying what he wanted to hear, but it hurt so goddamn bad to hear her say it.
“It’s not a good idea,” he said.
She sighed and turned the key in the ignition, her truck starting with a low rumble. “Okay. Good night, Hal.”
“Are you going to keep, uh, dating random guys?” he asked.
“If by dating, you mean getting drunk and having sex with a guy for the first time since Alan died, yes,” she said.
“Savina -”
“You can’t change my mind, Hal. Maybe I’m not ready for a relationship, but I am ready to have sex again.”
“If you were, you wouldn’t need to be drunk,” he said.
“Let’s agree to disagree,” she said.
Solomon’s advice rolling around in his head, he said, “I’ll do it.”
“Do what?” she asked.
“I’ll be the guy you sleep with.”
She stared silently at him, and he said, “You just said that if we have sex, it’ll end the tension between us. I want to be friends again, Savina. I miss our friendship, and I miss you. If we sleep together, it’s a win-win for us. You’ll be safe, and I’ll get my friend back.”
“Okay,” she said.
“I know it sounds like I’m just trying to get laid, but I think - wait, what?” Hal stared at Savina.
She smiled at him. “Okay.”
He sat back in his seat. “You should take some time and think about it.”
“I don’t need more time,” she said. “I’ve been attracted to you since last year’s great Ikea Desk Incident, remember?”
He smiled a little even though his stomach was swirling with nerves and something else. “I remember.”
“Great.” She shut off the truck again. “Let’s go up to your apartment.”
She stopped with her hand on the door handle, studying the trepidation he knew was evident on his face.
“If you’re uncomfortable with me being in your bedroom, I can get us a hotel room,” she said quietly.
“What? No, Christ, that isn’t a problem for me,” he said. “I just… I want you to be absolutely sure this is what you want and clear that this is a one-time thing.”