Page 35 of Mafia and Captive
I watched as Juliana hurried back up the staircase with her dog, appearing eager to get back to the bedroom.
We all stood around for a few moments, looking at her retreating back, before I decided I needed a distraction from my current bad mood.
“Go and lock the door to my bedroom so she can’t escape,” I ordered Camillo before heading into the office to do some work.
Before I could get started, Alessio marched in. “That dog can’t stay; you know that, don’t you?” Alessio stood with his legs apart and with his armed crossed over his chest, and I could see he was deadly serious about this.
“I know. Leave it to me.”
“I mean it, Marco. Juliana shouldn’t even be in this house, and there’s no way her dog is staying too.” Alessio had a warning note to his voice, and meeting his eyes, I could see this was non-negotiable for him.
“Look, I’ll sort it out. The dog won’t be staying,” I sighed.
“The girl shouldn’t even be here in the first place. What’s the point of having her here? You were only marrying her to cement our alliance with the Società, but now that’s blown up we don’t need her around. I just don’t get why we’re keeping her.”
“Wearen’t keeping her.I’mkeeping her. She’s mine. And I can do whatever the fuck I want with her, including using her for my enjoyment if I so wish.”
Alessio’s expression made it clear that he didn’t agree with my plan.
I carried on. “She’s the best revenge. Just think how they’ll be out of their minds with panic, wondering what I’m doing to their little innocent, whether I’m defiling her and dishonoring that pure body of hers.” I gave a cruel laugh. “They’ll fucking regret the day they came up with their plan to take us out. They rolled the dice when they promised her to me, and then they lost the play. And now they have to pay the price.”
“And the price is?” asked Alessio, raising an eyebrow.
“The price is her dishonor, her defilement, and her life. The purest things in a Made Man’s life are his daughters. They’ll be driving themselves mad, not knowing what we’re doing to her, not knowing if she’s still alive. That will be their punishment.”
Alessio regarded me. “If it’s about revenge, Marco, we can go back to L.A. and find some Società fuckers for you to torture and kill.” He wasn’t letting this go.
“Look, Juliana is staying. That’s final. The dog situation I’ll handle—I’ll get it sent back to L.A. Happy?”
“I’d be happier if the kids weren’t already getting attached to that animal,” declared Alessio.
“The dog’s been here all of five minutes. No one is getting attached to it, trust me.”
Right then, Camillo barged into my office. “I vote we get rid of the dog,” he blurted out, interrupting our discussion.
“I’ve already told you Camillo, you’re our Enforcer—youdon’tget a fucking vote,” I snapped.
“This isn’t a business matter. It’s a family issue, so I should get a say,” complained Camillo.
I sat down at my desk to get back to work, then realized I didn’t have my phone. “For fuck’s sake, I’ve left my phone in the kitchen.” Pushing back my chair, I got up to fetch it, Alessio following me back to the kitchen and Camillo trailing after us still whining about the dog.
Debi and Danio were tidying up the breakfast dishes. When Debi saw me, she ran to me and started on about the dog. “Marco, please can we keep Mr. Fluffy? Oh please, Marco,” begged Debi. Debi and Danio had always wanted a dog and had asked for one several times, but Alessio was adamant that we weren’t having a dog in the house.
“We’ll help look after it, feed it and take it for walks and stuff. It’ll be awesome,” chimed in Danio.
“Please, please, please, Marco,” pleaded Debi.
“No one’s getting attached to the dog, huh?” said Alessio, raising his eyebrows at me in an ‘I-told-you-so’ expression. “It sounds to me like Debi is getting ready to sign us all up to the Mr. Fluffy Fan Club.”
I looked at Debi and Danio. “Look, the dog isn’t staying, so don’t fall in love with him. Understand?” I didn’t like saying no to Danio, and especially not to Debi when she looked at me with those big brown eyes of hers, but Alessio would cut my dick off if I agreed to keep the dog.
“But didn’t you see how cute he was? He’s so soft and adorable. I think he really liked me.” Debi seemed oblivious to my warning that the dog was not staying.
Camillo scowled. “That dog is not cute. He attacked me, your own brother. He’s a vicious savage.” Although Camillo was grumbling, he also looked hurt that Debi had already forgotten about the dog biting him. “Look at the wound he’s left,” he exclaimed, while pointing to a non-existent mark on his ankle.
Debi looked seriously at Camillo. “You did insult him by saying he looked ridiculous and that his name was stupid.”