Page 36 of Mafia and Captive
Camillo rolled his eyes. “He’s an animal. He can’t understand what we say.”
Debi gazed at Camillo doubtfully. “He seems pretty smart to me.”
Walking back to the office, I tried to swallow down my annoyance.
I’d never heard so much fucking dog talk in my life, and it was only 10.00 a.m.
Today followed pretty much the same pattern as yesterday, with me left alone in the bedroom and meals being brought up to me. However, today I had my dog for company, and that made all the difference.
Another difference was that my meals were brought up by Alessio, not Marco. I wasn’t sure where Marco was and when I asked Alessio, he didn’t answer my question. He seemed particularly moody and kept shooting daggers at Mr. Fluffy.
I realized that if Marco was planning to torture me, he probably would have taken me to his torture chamber already. The fact that he hadn’t raped, tortured, or killed me yet made me feel a little stronger in myself, as did having my dog with me so that I was no longer all alone. And since Marco had told me that my sister was going to be alright, that had also made me feel a little better.
I still wasn’t sure exactly what Marco wanted with me. Perhaps he wanted to torment me, and he would keep me until he got bored of me?
Just as yesterday, when it started to get dark, I got undressed and put on my nightclothes. Tonight, instead of sitting on the velvet armchair, I sat cross-legged on the floor playing with my pet dog. He had definitely missed me and was full of energy and antics.
Later, when I heard the lock turning in the door, I looked up and saw Marco walk in. He scowled, whether at me or at my dog I wasn’t sure, but it was probably at us both.
Marco was about to get undressed when I stopped him. “Mr. Fluffy needs to pee. Can you take him outside please?”
Marco looked at me and gave me a hard stare. His top lip curled in annoyance, and he didn’t reply.
“Unless you want him to pee on the bedroom floor?”
“For fuck’s sake, I’m not your damn dog-sitter. Come on,Dog. You’ve got exactly two minutes to pee and then I am bringing you back inside whether you’re done or not.”
“Charming. Is that how you speak to your men? I can see now why they fear you.”
“Careful, beautiful.” He continued to stare at me, and I just stared back at him. Then he turned and took Mr. Fluffy outside with him.
I breathed out a sigh of relief. I probably shouldn’t provoke him, but that was the only way I could take my frustration out right now.
I got ready for bed, and a few minutes later, Marco arrived back in the bedroom with Mr. Fluffy in tow.
“He’s not sleeping in our bed, so don’t get any ideas,” he snapped.
“I’d rather have my own bedroom and my own bed.”
“Life is full of disappointments. Deal with it.”
I took a couple of spare pillows from the closet and used them to make a bed for my dog. He seemed happy enough with the improvised dog bed and gave it a sniff and walked around it a few times before leaping onto it and snuggling down.
Marco turned out the lights and climbed into bed. As he did yesterday, he laid behind me and pulled me back into his arms and held me against his chest. I lay rigidly in his arms and into the dark, I said, “He really needs to go out to exercise twice a day, plus obviously to pee.”
When Marco didn’t reply, I carried on. “Will you be able to take him out for me?”
“I’ve already told you I’m not your dog-sitter. You need to take him out yourself.”
I became very still. “Does that mean that I’m allowed out of this room?”
“If that means Dog doesn’t pee on the floor, then yes. But not by yourself. I’ll take you out after breakfast.”
I smiled into the darkness. I was going to be allowed to leave this room tomorrow. My dog always brought happiness and joy everywhere he went, I thought to myself, while I drifted off to sleep.