Page 5 of Tempted By The Queen
“You and I are gonna pack your shit, then we are going on a little road trip.” That has her head lifting and locking eyes with me. Hers are dark and filled with malice. I hate that a part of me relishes in the fact she has some fight back in her eyes instead of a weak pathetic scared little girl.
“I’m not going anywhere with you––” Her mouth snaps shut when I pull my gun and point it at her.
“Play by my rules and I won’t hurt you. Defy me or push me and you will suffer for it.” Her eyes spark with fire, she is an oddity for sure. A gun in her face pushes her to rebel but the thought of me undressing her shuts her down. I will find out who hurt her and end them after I deal with this… situation.
I pack all her things and clear out the bathroom of all her feminine products. I expected her to have more shit than she does but I’m not complaining. Once everything is inside her suitcase, I look over at her and curse beneath my breath. I sort through her bag and find a pair of jeans and a vintage tee with an old rock band on it. I toss the clothes on the end of the bed before moving toward her right side. I grip the cord and look down at her. She refuses to meet my gaze so I reach out, grip her chin and force her to face me.
“You will change and act like a fucking lady as we leave. Cause a scene and I give you my word, I will put a fucking bullet in whoever you try to wrangle to help you. Nod if you understand.” Her upper lip curls in anger but she nods. I untie her arms and watch as she sits up rubbing her wrists and shakes out her hands to circulate the flow of blood again. The sound of her phone ringing draws both of our attention. I narrow my eyes in warning. She slips off the bed, gathers her clothes and moves toward the bathroom. I block her path and glare down at her. “Nice try, Gucci, you change here.”
“No way!” she shrieks. I cross my arms over my chest, making sure to keep my gun clutched in my grip in case she tries something. We stand here for a good few minutes glaring at each other before she does a weird high pitch squeal thing and stomps her foot like a fucking child, then turns back toward the bed. She lays the clothes on the edge of the bed before pulling the jeans on under her robe. she peers back at me over her shoulder and sighs.
Yeah, I’m not looking away to give you a chance to run––
My thought is cut off when she drops the robe to the floor and I see the cigarette burns on her lower back. I unknowingly move toward her shoving my gun in my waistband before gripping her hips. She gasps in shock, her grip on the shirt in her hands tightens but she doesn’t pull away. I swipe my thumbs over the burns and anger boils inside me. I spin her around to face me. Her eyes are wide with shock, her lacy bra brushes against me, as she cranes her neck back to meet my gaze.
“Who did that to you?” She nibbles on her bottom lip for a moment before dropping her gaze and sidestepping me to pull her shirt on. I stand here and watch as she retrieves some sandals from her suitcase and zips the bag up. This girl is a fucking puzzle and I need to solve it. Once she has her shoes on, I grab my duffle and shove my laptop inside. I motion for her to grab her own bags because I’m not carrying that shit. She rolls her eyes but does as she is told. I grab her phone and shove it in my pocket before leading us from the room. Once in the hallway I motion for her to lead us toward the elevators. I’ll admit, I did watch her ass the whole way.
As soon as the elevator doors open in the lobby I step out, and assume we are heading toward the exit but when he grunts behind me, I turn to find him nodding toward the back exit. I take a calming breath and do as he says. The warm air hits me as soon as I step out back. Vin grips my arm and leads me down the street until we stop beside a white Kia sport. I eye the car and then look at him, his blank stare grating on my nerves. He pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks the car before opening the trunk. If he thinks I’m getting in there he has another freaking thing coming.
He places his bag inside, then reaches for mine. I relax slightly knowing I won’t be able to fit in there with the bags. He closes the trunk, then opens the door for me to sit shotgun. I scanned the area as we were walking, there is no one around and nowhere for me to cover if he chose to shoot at me when I ran.
Resigned to my fate I slip inside the car and buckle my seatbelt as he rounds the car and hops in. Neither of us say a word as he drives us out of the city. I have no idea where the hell we are going. A part of me is scared shitless he is taking me to the middle of nowhere to kill me and leave my body out there for the bugs to feast on. God, I could just imagine what my brothers would do if they found me dead in the outback of fuck-knows-where.
I rest my forehead against the window and allow myself to wallow. The one time I get my freedom and I don’t even last a whole fucking day on my own! I have no idea who the fuck this guy is or why he is doing this.
“Is your name even Vin?” I ask. I can feel his gaze boring into the side of my head but I ignore it. I thought I was smart, thought I didn’t need my brothers to protect me, but I was so fucking wrong. This guy is probably going to rape me and then kill me just to send a message to Bishop. I’m no fucking queen… I’m just a pawn in this game of power these men like to play.
“Vincent.” For some unknown reason knowing that he didn’t lie about his name makes me feel semi connected to him. Bish always said if you can connect with someone you can survive them. Maybe, just freaking maybe, I might be able to get the hell out of here with my life.
* * *
I’m roused awake by Vin shaking me. I rub my eyes and look around not being able to see anything thanks to it still being dark out, the only light coming from the moon. I don’t know how long I was asleep but I’m still so exhausted, crashing after my adrenaline rush earlier I think. I slowly turn to face Vin, his eyes are hooded and I can see exhaustion is weighing heavy on him. I run my gaze over him trying to get a better read of who he is. He looks like a normal guy, albeit a freaking hot guy but at first glance he doesn’t give off killer vibes. I saw the killer inside him when I mentioned my brothers earlier which tells me he isn’t here for me, he’s here because of who I share DNA with.
“Get out,” he orders. Too tired to argue or put up a fight, I do as he says. He heads toward the trunk so I do the same grabbing my bags out at the same time he gets his. I follow after him and take in my surroundings. We are in the middle of what looks to be like a jungle. We walk for a bloody long time, my feet are aching and my arms are sore from carrying my suitcase and bag. It must be early hours of the morning but the humidity is killer, sweat dripping off me. I’m about ready to demand we take a break when I spot a light ahead. I furrow my brow, surprised that there is electricity out here in the middle of the jungle.
Vin stops so suddenly I crash into the back of him, nearly falling to my ass but he swings around and catches me around my waist. We stare at each other without uttering a word before he steadies me and quickly steps back.
I stand here and watch as he turns to a large tree beside us, pulls the big green leaves out of the way to reveal a small cut out in the side of its trunk. What in the ever-loving hell? He turns a switch and then puts the leaves back into positions. Unable to hold my tongue I ask.
“What was that?” He flicks his gaze over me briefly before grabbing his bags and walking off with me hot on his heels.
“It switches off the security to the perimeter.” My brows jump up in surprise, who the fuck is this guy?
As we clear the trees, I see a small… hut. Vin continues on ahead while I stand here and just stare. He climbs the two steps and pauses at the front door before turning back to me. “I guarantee that you will never find your way back to the car. Either come in or stay out here with the wildlife.” I debate my options for two seconds before closing the distance between us. As soon as I reach the porch step the security light shuts off and we are plunged into darkness. I wish I could say that the dark doesn’t scare me but I’m not a liar. I huddle in closer to Vin. I don’t miss the way his body tenses at my proximity. He unlocks the door, steps inside and flicks some switches to his right then the room is illuminated by light.
“Holy shit.” Vin spins to face me but I’m too busy dropping my bags at the door and pushing past him to take in the room. The outside has moss and vines covering it from what I could see. I expected the inside to be like a hunting cabin but it’s so far from that. The inside is open and bright, with a small kitchen, a couch and TV, a queen bed and… a bath? I spin around and that’s when I notice there are no doors inside, it may be beautiful and airy with new furniture decorated in cream and brown tones but a girl needs her privacy!
“Something on your mind, Gucci?” I keep my back to him. I may want to lash out and give him a piece of my mind but I’m also not dumb. He has a gun and is twice the size of me. He could crush me with his bare hands if he wanted to. I’m torn from my inner debate when I feel him pressed against my back. “Say whatever is on your mind.” His whispered words has a shiver rolling down my treacherous body, goose flesh dotting my arms and the hair on the back of my neck raising.
“W-why are there no doors?” I croak, his nearness throwing me off.
“I eliminated the possibility of you being able to plan shit behind closed doors.” I nod like an idiot, acting like I understand what he is saying.
“I’m not sleeping in the same bed with you,” I blurt out. A deep chuckle comes from him but it’s not a humorous sound it’s more like a mocking laugh.
“Yeah, you are,” is all he says before stepping around me and heading toward the bed to drop his bags down before turning to face me. “There is a bath there or a shower outside. There is no hot water outside.” His eyes are alight with mirth which just has me grinding my teeth in annoyance.