Page 6 of Tempted By The Queen
“And?” He runs his gaze over me, not in a sexual way but as if he is appraising me.
“You stink, you’re washing before you get into my bed.”
“Your bed?” I balk.
“That’s what I said.” I can tell from the clipped tone of his voice he is getting annoyed with all my questions.
“I’ll shower outside,” I rush to say, making a smile spread across his handsome face.
“There is no curtain or light out there. It’s around the side of the house next to the shed.” He turns to head toward the bath but stops and peers over his shoulder at me. “You try to run and I promise you I will catch you before you can even make it a mile away from here.” I fight the urge to gulp and just nod my head instead.
I can see it in his eyes and hear it in his tone, he means what he says and I don’t doubt he will be true to his word. I just need to bide my time until I can figure out a way to get out of here and away from Vin. A towel smacking me in the face pulls me from my thoughts. I catch it before it drops to the ground and shoot him a glare. The cocky bastard ignores me and heads for the kitchen. I situate my suitcase at the end of the bed and rummage through it until I find a pair of sleep shorts and a loose tank top.
I ignore Vin as I walk out of the hut and slam the door behind me just so he knows I’m pissed. The only light is from the moon. I expect the security light to turn on when I hit the dirt but it doesn’t. I follow his directions and head around the side where I can see a small shed. I come to a halt and growl when I see the metal shower head sticking out of the side of the house. I don’t know what it is about the shower or if it has anything to do with it but the tears I have been battling finally fall. I let them run unchecked down my cheeks and take a moment to allow myself to feel. For the first time in my life, I wanted to be able to introduce myself using my real name and be seen, heard or even admired.
I wipe the tears from my cheeks, take a deep breath and square my shoulders. Crying will get me nowhere, but planning an escape and fighting for my freedom will be worth dying for. I refuse to be a helpless scared little girl. I’ll prove to myself that I can survive this overbearing asshole and be the fucking queen I know I can be.
From the moment she walked out the door I have been watching her on the cameras that surround this place. She may think because of where we are that we are cut off. I’ll allow her to think that, what she doesn’t know is we have full cell service and WIFI. We actually do have a detachable shower head in the bath, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. I watch as she leans against the house with her towel and clothes clutched to her chest crying. A pang of guilt hits me but I quickly push that away. I should have strapped her to a chair and tortured the information from her but I just can’t bring myself to fucking do it… and there lies the fucking problem!
My phone rings and I pull my gaze from my laptop and check the caller ID before answering.
“What have you got for me Marco?”
“Nothing much. All I have been able to find out is Carlina Murdoch never existed until a few months after her father’s death. She was spotted in public with her brothers, went to school but under a different name. She has been kept hidden for years and I don’t know why that would be.” I grip my phone tighter in anger, I know exactly why she was hidden from the world.
“Tony was keeping her a secret, the cunt had an ace up his sleeve the whole fucking time.”
“I’m not following here, brother.”
“Tony was going to use her when the time was right to marry her off to one of the families to ensure an alliance.” I look back to the screen and lift my hand to slam it closed when she begins to undress but I don’t. She has no idea I’m watching her and yet she has my full attention. She drops her jeans and shirt to the ground. She remains in her panties and bra as she flicks the shower on and––.
“Vincent?” I clear my throat and quickly, then shut the lid before focusing back on Marco.
“What do you plan to do with her?”
“Exactly what I was hired to do, finish the fucking job.” The sound of my cousin scoffing on the other end of the line has anger brewing inside me.
“If that were true, she would have been dead hours ago.” I close my eyes and take a calming breath. Marco knows me better than anyone in this world. “Why is she still breathing, Vincent?” The firmness of his tone tells me he is worried I’m digging myself a hole I won’t be able to climb out of.
“She isn’t what the job sheet said and there––”
“It doesn’t fucking matter!” he whisper shouts. “She is a Murdoch and you being near her, fuck, you kidnapping her is putting a fucking target on your back. You went dark years ago, everyone thinks you are fucking dead, Vin. Are you willing to come back from the dead for a piece of washed-up pussy that will never be yours?” His words ring true, I have asked myself more times than I can count since meeting Carlina. What the fuck am I doing? This girl isn’t like she has been portrayed to be, something about her calls to a part of me I thought had died a long time ago when my sister went missing. “Carlina Murdoch isn’t Selena, Vin.” His whispered words hit me right in the chest. All the air rushes from my lungs at the mention of my sister’s name, a name I haven’t heard or spoken aloud in over ten years.
“I know she isn’t,” I reply barely above a whisper. I try to push away the sadness and guilt whenever the thought of my sister arises.
“Then end this, brother. Do what you do best and put a bullet in her head and disappear, Vincent.” I hear his words and know what he is saying is true, then why the fuck can’t I bring myself to do it? What the fuck is it about this girl that has me pausing and slowing down to think. I don’t think, that’s what makes me one of the best mercenaries in the world. I’m cold, calculated. I feel nothing and don’t fear death. I hear the sound of her soft foot fall on the steps outside. I rush to tell Marco I’ll check in when it’s done before ending the call.
The door opens and I fight to keep my face blank, her long brown hair is wet and dripping down her front, I drop my gaze and fight a groan, her nipples are hard and poking through her shirt. Her stomach is on display, her shorts are so fucking tiny they barely cover her pussy! She moves toward the bed and I sit here watching her every move. I can see her trying to look inconspicuous about taking in her surroundings but I notice.
She drops her clothes on the foot of the bed and I bite down on my tongue, her purple bra and panties sit there displayed proudly on top of her clothes. She stalks toward the chairs at the table and drapes her wet towel over the back. My greedy eyes zero in on the fact I can see the bottom of her ass cheeks hanging out of her shorts. She has her shorts high enough that the waistband covers the burns marks that mark her beautiful body.
When she turns around her eyes zone in on the end of the bed. I follow her gaze and smirk. She’s just noticed she left her panties and bra out in the open for me to see. A blush works its way up her neck and hits her cheeks as she rushes over and quickly gathers them in her arms before stuffing them inside her suitcase. I fight the laughter that wants to bubble out of me and stand, reach around to grip the back of my shirt and pull it off.
I cut a glance to her and find her eyes glued to my naked torso. This girl is like no other. She should be screaming and crying, begging for her life. She does none of that and stands there openly checking me out. I don’t bother to even speak as I grab a towel and some clothes, then head outside for a shower, the cold water will do me a world of good.