Page 7 of Tempted By The Queen
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I pull on a pair of gray shorts and gather my discarded clothes before making my way back inside. I had no worry of her escaping. The motion sensors around the property would have sounded the alarm if she did try to run. I climb the steps and push open the door, expecting to find her chewing her nails or looking for a knife to kill me with. What I didn’t expect was the sight in front of me. She has pulled the blanket and a pillow from the bed and set herself up on the two-seater couch where she is currently asleep. I grind my teeth as I make my way over to where the bath is and push against the wooden wall, it’s a hidden door where the laundry room is and the toilet. She has no idea it’s there and I can’t wait to see her face when she thinks she has to take a shit in the woods.
I close the door behind me and move to the other side of the bed where another hidden door is, I lay my hand flat against it and push. This wall slides out to reveal my three monitors and all my files I have on my kills and future jobs I may be interested in. I grab the file I have from Carlina and slot it in with the rest, I don’t trust her not to snoop through my things. I close the compartment and stand here staring at her. Her brows are drawn in and I can tell she isn’t having a good sleep. Just as I decide to leave her where she is and get some sleep myself, she groans, and begins to mutter under her breath. I move closer to her, wanting to hear what she is saying.
“No, stop it! Tony don’t.” Hearing her father’s name slip from her lips has rage coursing through me. She looks so innocent and untouchable laying in front of me. The grimace on her face alerts me to the fact she is dreaming about some of the horrors she must have faced at the hands of her father.
When her tiny hands clench the comforter, I’m done for. I slide my hands beneath her body and lift her into my arms with the blanket still draped over top of her. A small whimper spills from her full lips. The five steps it takes from the couch to the bed she relaxes in my arms. I place her gently on the bed before grabbing the pillow off the couch, flicking the lights off, then slipping in beside her. I make sure to keep enough space between us. I roll onto my back and rest my arm behind my head as I stare up at the ceiling trying to sort through my thoughts. I have never hesitated on a kill before.
Tonight, she was supposed to disrobe and lay on the bed so I could snap some photos and use them to bait her brother. But, the look in her eyes and the fact she passed out change everything. She is my ticket to finding my sister. Selena is the only reason I still stick around and don’t move across the fucking world to New Zealand. There is still a chance I could rescue my sister. I know the chance is slim to fucking none but I need to figure out where the fuck Tony sent her. Once the Murdoch’s are dealt with, I’m going after my father. He will die painfully for ever thinking he had the fucking right to sell my sister for his own fucking gain!
I kick the blankets off trying to escape the heat and cool down. My body is burning up but I can’t seem to cool down. When I try to move, I freeze. My eyes snap open and I’m met with the sight of a naked chest! Looking down, I find my hand resting flat against a set of abs, his arm draped over me and my leg sandwiched in between his large ones. I tilt my head back to look up at him and I squeal. His eyes are open and on me. I shove away from him and scramble to the other side of the bed, mortified I was fucking snuggled up next to my captor!
“Didn’t pick you for the cuddly type.” I can’t even look at him, feeling sick knowing that I slept next to him. I bite my lip to keep my tears at bay. I need to get the hell out of here. As if fate heard my very thoughts my phone begins to ring. I dart my gaze to the kitchen counter then back to Vin. His eyes narrow in warning, fuck it.
I launch off the bed and race toward the kitchen. I hear him behind me but don’t stop, if this is my only chance at escaping him, I need to take it. I grip my phone and answer Kiara’s call. I’m about to scream for help but clamp my mouth closed when I feel the barrel of his gun pressed to the back of my head. He leans forward to whisper in my ear low enough Kiara won’t be able to hear.
“Say everything is fine and make it believable.” His breath fanning across my exposed skin sends an involuntary shiver down my spine. With how close he is to me, I know he felt it. “Put it on speaker.” With shaky fingers I do as he says.
“Car!” I cringe at the loud shout.
“I-I’m here,” I say, and hear Kiara sigh in relief.
“I have like five minutes before he finds me.” I cringe, hating that she is going behind my brother’s back to help me. I’m such a bitch.
“What’s going on?”
“Bishop got Luka to track you.” My shoulders droop but then it occurs to me, if Bish knows where I am then he will also know Vin has kidnapped me. I make sure to keep the excitement off my face and out of my voice. “Luka hacked the hotel feed. Bish is pissed.”
“Uh, your brother saw you leaving the hotel last night with your bags and… a guy.” This is good, at least Bishop knows what Vince looks like and he will be able to find me now. “Problem is, the guy’s back is to the camera the whole time. Bishop wanted a face ID so he could run a background check.” The hope flees my body, Vin knew exactly what he was doing that’s why he took the back exit. “Car?”
“Yeah?” I can hear the disappointment in my own voice and hope to hell Kiara doesn’t pick up on it.
“I’ll handle Bishop, just make sure you send a picture every second day so I know you’re okay.” I nod even though she can’t see me. “Also, send a pic of the guy you’ve taken off with.” She laughs and I try to do the same but my laughter is forced and hollow. “Shit, he’s coming, speak soon.” She ends the call and the tears I fought to hide fall freely. Vince rips my phone from my hand and I don’t even protest. I silently walk toward the door, throw it open, then drop down onto the top step as I bury my face in my hands and cry. A sharp cry tears from me when I’m pulled to my feet by my hair. Vin wraps his hand around my throat and shoves me hard against the wall of the house, then bends and gets right in my face.
“You fucking pull a stunt like that again and you’ll regret it.” I claw at his forearm fighting him. I can’t breathe, and the anger in his eyes tells me he has reached his breaking point. Right as spots begin to dance in my vision, he drops his hold. I crumble to the floor like a sack of shit gasping for air and rubbing at my throat. Tears cascade down my cheeks as I drag in lungful after lungful of air. He grips my hair again and wrenches my head back so I’m staring up at him. “Don’t fucking push me, Carlina. You won’t like what I will do to you.” My bottom lip trembles. He releases me with a hard shove and storms back inside the house, slamming the door closed behind him.
* * *
I’ve sat outside all day refusing the food he has offered and the water he brought out. I want to claw his fucking eyes out and stab his face for laying his hands on me. I wrap my arms around my legs and rest my chin on top as I watch the sunset. I’ve done nothing but sit here and try to come up with a plan of escape. All I have to do is wait for him to fall asleep, then make a break for it through the jungle.
I can’t remember how many turns we took on foot to get here but it can’t be that hard to find my way back to the car, then to the main road to flag someone down for help. I can’t just sit here and wait to die. I need to do something or at the very least try. With my mind made up I shakily climb to my feet and head inside. I spot him out of the corner of my eye sitting at the table on his laptop. Ignoring him I ruffle through my case to find a pair of yoga pants, socks and a T-shirt. I snag my toothbrush and paste as well. I make sure to place my runners strategically on top before closing the lid and not zipping it. I need to make the least amount of noise possible tonight and have everything ready to go. I grab my towel from the back of the other chair, and without sparing him a glance, walk outside to the shower. It’s hot enough out here that I don’t care about not having hot water.
I strip off quickly, then tie my hair up so it doesn’t get wet. Turning the shower on, I quickly step under the spray and use the pump soap I left out here last night to wash my body. I brush my teeth before turning the shower off, then dry myself and change into the clothes I brought with me. I decide to leave the socks off and plan to put them on when I fake going to bed. Nerves are rattling me. I got a taste of what he is capable of today, so I won’t lie and say I’m not scared shitless because I am.
I climb the steps and take a deep breath, giving myself a mental pep talk to get my game face on and act like none of this bothers me. As long as I remain calm and don’t let him see through my mask everything should be fine… I hope. I open the door and immediately spot him in the kitchen, the aromas wafting toward me have my stomach grumbling and his gaze snapping toward me. I quickly turn away from him and march over to my suitcase with my head held high, it’s going to suck leaving my stuff behind but materialistic things can be replaced, my life can’t be.
“Dinner will be ready in five minutes. You will be eating.” I keep my back to him and nod. If I have to suffer through dinner with the asshole then so be it. Whatever he is making smells good and I know I will need the energy for the long night ahead. I stuff my clothes in my case and place my socks discreetly inside my shoes before closing the lid, still leaving it unzipped. I play my part well and take a seat at the table he has already set with cutlery and glasses of water. I peek over at him and hate the fact I still find him handsome. He may be a bastard who hurt me but I can’t lie and say he isn’t easy on the eye. What is it with me and asshole men. The only good men I know in my life are my brothers. Each of them loves me with all they have and I them. I shake myself out of my thoughts when Vin makes his way toward me with two plates in his hands. He places one in front of me and takes his seat with the other.
There are a range of different vegetables that are bright and vibrant in color. The meat is cooked well done with a buttery sauce that coats it. This meal looks fit for a restaurant, the presentation beautiful. I’ll admit I’m slightly surprised that this brute can actually cook a decent meal. I’d pictured someone like him out back with a deer strung up, skinning it, then eating it raw. I eye my plate not willing to eat it in case he has poisoned it or something. He sighs then reaches over to switch our plates.
“Happy now?” I narrow my eyes as I grip my knife and fork staring at him.
“Ecstatic,” I quip as I cut into my steak. The meat melts in my mouth, the taste has an appreciative moan tearing out of me before I can stop it. I snap my gaze to his, mortified. His eyes are on me, his mouth open with his fork paused midair. I gulp down the meat and drop my gaze back to my plate dying of embarrassment. I shovel the food into my mouth for something to do other then sit here in awkward silence with my captor. He clears his throat trying to garner my attention but I refuse to lift my gaze, I’ve already made a fool of myself and don’t need to tempt fate.