Page 8 of Tempted By The Queen
“This morning––” I cut him off before he can continue, not wanting to hear the bullshit he is about to spill.
“Let’s move on, water under the bridge and all that.” I stand grabbing my plate to dump in the sink. As I’m about to pass him, he reaches out and grips my forearm. His grip isn’t tight, it’s just… there. I keep my face blank as I slowly turn to face him, just like me he is shielding his thoughts behind a mask. Neither of us wants the other to know what our next move is. The thing is, the ball is in his freaking court since he is the bloody one who took me!
“Whatever you are thinking of trying...” His eyes narrow in warning as I fight to keep my expression blank, when the whole time my heart is beating so fast. I’m surprised he can’t hear it. “I highly recommend you don’t do anything stupid.” I nod my head swiftly. He drops his grip on me and I dash into the kitchen away from him to try to calm my racing heart. I don’t know how he knows or if he is just guessing, but I know now without a doubt I have to do this, tonight.
I feign sleep, waiting for her to make her move. She thinks she is slick and able to pull one over on me.
Stupid girl.
I knew something was up from the moment she walked back inside today. I could see the cogs in her mind working overtime. If that didn’t give it away the fact that she left her runners on top of her clothes and didn’t zip her case did the trick. I thought she would come to her senses after her shower, but when she walked back in and tried to be discreet about stuffing her socks in her running shoes…! That told me she was going to make her move.
The thrill of chasing her down excites the fuck out of me. It shouldn’t, but knowing I will get to make her submit to me calls to a dark part inside my dead soul. We went to bed at least three hours ago, her inner thoughts are so fucking loud I can hear them. She would make a shit spy. She is stiff and has been laying on the edge of the bed the whole time. If she thought she was doing good at acting like she was sleeping, she is wrong. The girl hogged the fucking bed and blankets last night. She fights like a fucking ninja in her sleep. I keep still and make sure my breathing remains the same as she slowly inches out of the bed. I plan to let her run for a while before I drag her ass back, nothing worse than thinking you got away only for it to be yanked from your grasp.
The floor creaks once her feet hit the ground. She stills and I can feel her gaze on me watching, waiting to see if I react. Tense minutes tick by before she finally moves again. I hear the lid of her suitcase lift then slowly close again a second later. I hear her pad softly toward the door, then hear the lock turn and the door slowly opening. I strain my hearing after the door closes, hearing her creep down the steps and then the sound of footfalls hitting the dirt has me jumping from the bed, grabbing my discarded shirt from the floor and grabbing my own shoes and gun before going after her.
I break through the first line of trees and stop, squint my eyes and follow the tracks she’s left behind. My blood is pumping and excitement rolls through me as the hunter in me takes over. I take off, following her tracks in the wet ground. She is a city girl and has no idea that the footprints she leaves behind in the moist ground are like a neon sign with her location. Her tracks lead east toward the river where I fish. I run eating up the space between us and within mere minutes I’m right on her tail. I come to a halt behind a kapok tree and watch her. The moonlight illuminates her figure as she stands there looking left to right, trying to gain her bearings. She hasn’t even made it ten minutes from the house and is already lost. She gets some respect for at least trying to run but she is a fool. She should have tried to scout the area on the way in and left a trail of some sort to follow back to the car.
She turns and heads right causing me to shake my head, she should have gone left and that would have lead her in the direction of the car. I follow after her, keeping my foot steps in time with her small ones so she doesn’t hear me following her. I watch her from afar and admire the fact that even though she has no fucking idea where she is going or what she is doing, she doesn’t give up. She stops, again, and I shake my head. If I were anyone else she would be fucking dead. She hasn’t taken stock of her surroundings or even checked to make sure she isn’t being followed. Her family did her a fucking disservice by not training her for an encounter like this. She should have been able to disarm me and put me on my ass in her hotel room.
“Shit,” she curses, this fucking girl! Tired of watching her flounder her way through the jungle, I close in. She is hunched over trying to catch her breath. She doesn’t hear or see me coming. When she straightens, I strike. I press against her back and reach around her front to grip her tiny neck in my grasp and squeeze. She screams and I allow it. She tries to fight me but it’s futile. I wrap my other arm around her midriff and mold her to my front. “Let me go!”
“Scream all you want, Gucci, no one will hear your cries. We are miles away from anyone. I could fuck you right here and no one would come help you.” She freezes, her screams mute and it’s then I recall my words and mentally berate myself for letting that slip. I would be a liar if I said she wasn’t beautiful and the thought of fucking hasn’t crossed my mind… because it has, a lot.
“Don’t.” Her broken plea strikes a chord within me. I bend so my lips brush against the shell of her ear, she may be terrified of me but her body betrays her as a shiver runs down her spine.
“Why did you try to run?” I whisper huskily.
“Why wouldn’t I? You’ve taken me against my will, held me at gunpoint and told me to strip for you. What other choice did I have?” Her words are steady and sure but the slight tremble in her hands gives her away. I spin her around and drive her back three steps until her back is against a palm tree. I grip her throat and get right in her face. The defiant look in her eyes spurs me on. I push her higher against the tree so her legs dangle in the air. I wait for her to panic and beg, claw at my arm or something but she shocks the fuck out of me when she reaches out, grips my shoulders—using them as leverage—to hoist herself up enough to lock her legs around my waist. My grip on her drops as I wrap my arms around her to keep her from falling. Why the fuck my instinct is to protect her from falling, I have no fucking idea.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I snarl up at her. The dirty little minx looks as shocked as I am at her bold move. She quickly wipes the look from her face and stares at me with a sinful look in her eyes that has my grip on her tightening and my cock growing hard.
“Turning the tables.” I furrow my brow confused at what the hell she is saying. To make matters worse, I’m losing my focus and picturing fucking her against the tree where I had her pinned moments ago. She runs her hands along my shoulders before reaching around the back of my neck, gripping a fist full of my hair and tugs. An unwarranted groan spills from my lips. Her eyes widen an inch, I need to snap the fuck out of it. I release my hold on her expecting her to land on her ass in front of me but she doesn’t. She tightens her hold around my waist and grips my hair tighter.
“Get the fuck off me now!” I grit out through clenched teeth.
“See, I would believe you but…” Her cunning eyes spark with fire and I grind my teeth to keep myself from snapping her fucking pretty little neck. She leans down so her full lips ghost over mine. I stand completely still unsure of what the fuck I am supposed to do. “I can feel how hard you are for… me.” Her sultry words pull me from my stupor. I slam against the tree and relish in the hiss that escapes her when I grind my hardness against her core. A moan tumbles from her lips, and without thought my body reacts and I slam my lips against hers. She gasps, giving me entry and allowing me to swipe my tongue across hers. The taste of her hits my senses and I moan at the taste. She pushes against my chest. I pull back but the dirty little devil clamps her teeth down on my bottom lip drawing blood. I yank backward slipping free of her hold and hiss. She staggers on her feet, pinning me with a glare.
“You fucking bit me!” I snap while glaring at her. She places her hands on her hips and pins me with a look that a mother would her intolerant child.
"You kissed me!” she shouts like I wasn’t fucking present during the kiss.
“You were fucking begging for it!” My mouth drops open in horror, this freaking asshole is so full of himself! How dare he bloody kiss me without my consent. “You more pissed I kissed you or that you actually liked it?” My jaw hits the jungle floor. He uses his thumb to swipe the blood from his lip and smirks at me. I clamp my mouth closed and cross my arms over my chest in anger, then stomp my foot in frustration.
“You are so… so dumb.” His brows jump high enough to hit his hairline. I expect him to rant and berate me but what I don’t expect is for him to throw his head back and laugh. My eyes zone in on his neck and imagine myself licking a trail along it until I reach his soft lips––cut that shit out! I scold myself shocked my thoughts wonderedthere. I stand here scowling at Vincent until his laughter finally dies off. He looks at me and shakes his head.
“You have two options. Follow me back willingly or I drag you back unconscious. Which will it be?” I look at him skeptically, something is off. He should be punishing me or beating the shit out of me for running.
“Why aren’t you… doing something?” He cocks his head to the side running his gaze lazily over my body before finally settling on eyes before he answers.
“Gucci, I knew you were going to run from the moment I brought you here. Frankly, I’m surprised you didn’t try last night.” I eye him for a moment, trying to figure out what game he is playing. I can’t get a read on him and that unnerves me.
“So, you’re not going to… kill me?” His relaxed expression morphs instantly. I see the killer in his eyes causing me to back up a step until my back is flat against the tree. Vin crowds me, caging me in by placing his hands on either side of my head. He leans down so our noses are nearly touching, his eyes burning with intensity.
“You get one free pass. You try to run again and next time I’ll take the shot, Gucci.” He pushes off the tree and stalks back the way I came. I last two seconds before chasing after him. His knowing chuckle grates on my nerves. He may think he won this round but he has another thing coming if he thinks I won’t try to run again. Next time, I’ll be more prepared.