Page 33 of More than Myself
“You, Will Evans,just get better and better. But for the record, Aly, I’m doubling down. I’m so right.” Lily flashed her white teeth at them before turning to saunter off, her five-inch heels clicking along the floor.
“What’s she right about?” Will asked.
“According to her, everything. But most of the time, I’m not sure what she’s talking about,” Aly said vaguely. Although in the last six weeks, they’d become very close, she still found herself lost in their conversations most of the time.
“How did you two end up best friends?”
Aly cocked her head to the side. That was a good question. “I have absolutely no idea.”
Will laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving her a quick kiss on the side of the head. “You’re adorable. And much taller today.”
“It’s the work boots,” Aly said, examining the tan lace-ups on her feet while she tried to get her heart under control.
“I’ve seen the outfit on TV, but up close and personal, it’s even hotter.” Will’s breath danced off her ear, each word sending a shiver down her spine.
There was no controlling her heart now. Not when every touch lit her up. She shifted, and Will dropped his hold, but instead of pulling away, he lowered his hand to her waist. His fingers brushed against the inch of bare skin, sending sparks along her back.
A surge of longing rushed through her. In her boots, she was taller, her eyes even with his lips, the scruff on his chin.
How would it feel to press her lips to his? To let him dominate her mouth? She swallowed slowly and raised her eyes to his. His burned with hot desire as he scrutinized her. Holy cow, Lily was right. This was more than flirting.
“Is this Will?” Garry called.
Startled, Aly jumped out of Will’s arms. She had forgotten they weren’t alone. That there were other people in the room. A lot of people. She fisted her hands at her sides, unsure of what to do, and looked to her stocky director, then back to Will, who chuckled and shook his head.
“Will Evans.” He held his hand out to Garry.
Right. Introduce them. Why didn’t the correct responses ever come naturally? “Sorry.” She shifted in her boots. “Will, this is the show’s director and one of the producers, Garry Nolan.”
Garry shook Will’s hand warmly. “I’ve heard good things. You’ve been a godsend for our girl.” He turned to Aly. “I passed Andy in the hall. Told him they’re using the nail gun downstairs if he wants to try it this time. I plan to do the sit-down with Logan at one, but if you need more time, we can push it.”
“It was nice meeting you,” Will said. “I’m going to head up and check on Andy.”
“I’m coming too.” Aly turned and headed to the stairs, dodging crew members with every step, Will on her heels. Her brother was sitting on his bed with a pile of random stuff next to him when they found him.
He looked up and held eye contact with her for longer than he had in months. “Not all the memories here are bad.”
Will moved to lean against Andy’s empty desk, leaving Aly to sit next to her brother on the small bed. “No, mush.” She froze, remembering too late that she wasn’t allowed to call him that anymore. But this time, he didn’t lash out.
“Mom used to tell me bedtime stories.” Her brother lowered his head and picked at a thread on the comforter. “She didn’t read them because that wasn’t as fun.”
Aly smiled. “She was too creative for something as boring as reading.”
“She always said that’s where you got your creativity—that you were just like her.”
Oh yeah. Her mother had drilled into her how alike they were. “Yep, 90 percent creativity, and 10 percent flakiness.”
Will sucked in a breath so loud that Aly turned his way. He stood, arms crossed, head cocked, expression unreadable. She had spent years trying to prove she wasn’t as flaky as her mother claimed, but she had failed repeatedly.
“You’re right.” Andy’s voice was so soft that she had to lean in to catch everything. He cleared his throat. “Without Mom, it’s not the same. Can we take our stuff, but not live here?”
A weight came off Aly’s shoulders at the words, and her spirit soared. He was finally coming around to the idea of living with her elsewhere. To giving her another chance at this parenting thing. “I’d love that.”
“Good.” Andy nodded. “We’ll stay with Will forever.”