Page 34 of More than Myself
Those five words deflated the hope that had ballooned inside her. Andy hopped up and darted straight to Will. The man opened his arms without hesitation, but he watched Aly closely as he embraced the boy. It looked like she’d never get her brother back from him. And she couldn’t blame Andy one bit. In the time she’d been staying with them, she’d realized that the routine and home life Will provided was the type that she had always wanted to give her brother. Had always wished she’d had as a kid.
Maybe it was a sign that her place was onMi Casa es Su Casaand Andy’s place was with Will. She stood and blinked back the tears that threatened to spill at the pain she felt from the knife that lodged in her chest. Andy released Will and, quick as lightning, he shot over to her and wrapped his thin arms around her. Her heart stopped before it soared as she hugged him back. Maybe he just needed more time. Maybe by Christmas she could convince him that he belonged with her.
“I want the stuff on the bed.” Andy pointed as he released her. “Everything else can go into boxes.”
“You got it.”
“Will.” He spun back around. “Can we do some laps before practice this afternoon?”
“Absolutely,” Will said. “Can you give us a minute though?”
“Okay. I’m going downstairs to see if I can find Garry. He said I could use the nail gun!”
Aly’s heart once again squeezed. Andy hadn’t wanted anything to do with her job since their mother died. The two times he’d been on set in the last year, he’d sat in a corner and pouted. She couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face as he ran out the door.
“Aly—” Will started.
“Alley-cat.” Her hackles rose at the name before Logan even walked into the room. “Why am I always forced to wait on you?”
“Aren’t we scheduled at one?” Aly asked, peeking at her watch.
“You know I don’t like downtime, so get that fat ass in gear.” His hand cracked against her left butt cheek, and her body stiffened.
Across the room, Will growled.
She spun toward him, her eyes widening. The sound he’d made was that of a wolf about to attack. His eyes burned into her as he closed the five steps between them, ignoring Logan like he wasn’t in the room.
He snaked a hand over her shoulder and to the back of her neck, then yanked her toward him. She stumbled but caught herself against his chest. She peered up at him, confused, but the second her eyes met his, he crashed his mouth against hers. For a beat, she was frozen, but shock instantly morphed into something a lot more welcome. Hot and in charge, his lips rubbed across hers while the scruff of his beard tickled her face. A gasp escaped as he sucked her lower lip between his.
Liquid heat shot straight to her core, and she clung to his broad shoulders, ready to give him anything he wanted. Nipping at her lips, he pulled her tight against his solid chest. A throbbing settled between her thighs, calling out to her, demanding more. She opened her mouth slightly, and Will didn’t hesitate, his tongue plunging in to meet hers.
To tease.
To twist.
To claim.
A small moan left her throat, and he swallowed it down. Devouring her. Feasting on her mouth like it was his last meal and he was desperate for every drop. She never wanted this to end.
“Geez, get a fucking room.” Logan’s voice cut through her lust-filled haze.
Will pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “I have a house full of them. Don’t worry.” Then he whispered, “We’ll talk later. And for the record, I don’t fucking share.” With his teeth on her earlobe, he gave a hard tug that shot straight through her before he pulled back and strode from the room.
Will slammedhis phone onto the desk, glaring at the frozen image of Loser Logan on the screen.
“I don’t lead with my dick,” he muttered.
What a crock of shit, because all day, he’d been doing just that. Normally, he was in control of himself, so what was it about Aly that had him acting like an idiot? It was why he preferred less intense relationships. In the five years he’d been with Genni, he’d never gotten this fired up. Yet the second Logan had touched Aly’s ass, any reasonable thought had left his brain.
Swimming laps with Andy, which normally settled him, left him keyed up instead. After he’d barked orders at people twice, one of his assistant coaches nicely suggested that she run practice today. So Will had spent the last hour and a half in his office watching the newest episode ofMi Casa es Su Casa. Although he’d seen season one with Andy, there was a vibe in season four that hadn’t existed before, and Will didn’t like it. Logan was entirely too comfortable putting his hand on Aly’s ass. Especially when she was clearly not okay with it.
Damn, he wanted to do bodily harm to that man for touching her, which was completely out of character for Will.
He needed to focus on the gym, the swim team, and creating his managers’ schedule for the rest of December. Yet his focus was on that kiss. The one that was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. He wasn’t fifteen, so why was he so blown over by a simple kiss? He couldn’t stop thinking about the way Aly’s tits had pressed against his chest. How badly he’d wanted to lift her leg over his hip and slam into her until she screamed his name.
He gritted his teeth and adjusted himself in his swimsuit. What the fuck was his problem? He had to get out of this office. He’d check on how the kids were doing with dives off the block. His assistant coaches were focusing on that today, streamlining the cut through the water.