Page 45 of Claiming Hannah
Hannah reviewed her choices as she pondered Mason’s words. The thought of knife play, while scary, was also thrilling. It tapped directly into one of her more powerful masturbatory fantasies of the dark, sexy stranger coming into her bedroom late at night, awakening her with the tip of his knife at her throat.“Don’t move. You belong to me now…”
Heart beating with excitement, Hannah removed the H from theknife playoption. She returned the laptop to Anthony.
Biting back a nervous giggle, she asked, “What happens now?”
Part Two
Chapter 19
They only had about an hour before they’d need to do lunch prep. Mason brought Hannah inside, eager not to waste a moment. “Master Anthony will upload your hard limit list to your profile,” he said as they climbed the stairs to the second floor.
The site had been another of slave Jaime’s excellent ideas. The trainers used it to review and tailor individual slave contracts as needed, track progress and note concerns. Every slave, including resident submissives and those in training, had their own profile. It was a great way for the various trainers to share ideas and suggestions without having to physically get together for the exchanges—a nearly impossible task with their varied schedules.
“I’ll have a look, and then we’ll discuss some basic ground rules.”
He led her down the hall to his suite and pushed open the door, gesturing her inside. “Go kneel on a yoga mat in the play area while I review your hard limits.”
Hannah obediently moved toward a mat and lowered herself to the ground. So far, so good.
Mason pulled his phone from his pocket and opened the link to a private website. He clicked to Hannah’s page, pleased to see Anthony had already uploaded her hard limits list. He scowled when he saw she had precluded all penetrative sex from the get-go. Yet, even in his frustration,he recognized it was probably for the best. He wasn’t looking to have a relationship with this woman, after all. He just wanted to help her realize her submissive potential.
Keep telling yourself that.
He ignored the irritating internal voice.
He scowled when he saw she’d ruled out needle and blood play. But she hadn’t checked off the box for knife play, he was pleased to see. He could already envision several diabolical scenarios that would press her submissive envelope to its very edges.
Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he came over to Hannah. “I’ve reviewed your limits and will abide by them, for now.” As her eyes widened, he added, “Meaning we can always revisit them as you progress in your training.”
She looked so nervous kneeling there, her lower lip caught in her teeth, her eyes wide and frightened. Was she already regretting what she’d signed up for?
Though he didn’t want to, Mason forced himself to take a mental step back. While he very much wanted to train Hannah for reasons he hadn’t entirely admitted to himself, he didnotwant to lead her kicking and screaming into anything.
Moving to her, he crouched in front of her and stroked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Hannah,” he said gently. “It’s not too late to change your mind about this. While I believe you have real potential as a slave girl, training only works if you’re one hundred percent on board. If you’re having second thoughts, there’s no shame in that. And no recriminations. You can go back to your BDSM-lite contract, and we can forget about this whole idea.”
He forced his expression to remain neutral and calm as he waited for her response. He could barely admit to himself just how much he wanted to train this woman. And not just because she had potential. He wanted to be the one to bring out that potential. He wanted to claim Hannah, even if only for a few days.
“No,” she finally said, her voice husky. “I’m not backing out. I wantto give this a try. I’ve waited my whole life to experience this. I’m not going to blow it now.”
Mason couldn’t stop the wide grin that split his face. “Good girl. That’s the spirit.” Getting to his feet, he rubbed his hands together. “Let’s go over a few ground rules. Number one—slave girls, even those in training—especially those in training, are to be naked at all times. Take off that silly dress and then kneel up inpresentposition.”
Hannah’s mouth fell open. For a second, he thought she was actually going to protest. Where was that resolve she’d displayed only a moment before? But then she closed her mouth and reached for the hem of her dress. Lifting up slightly on her haunches, she pulled the dress over her head and tossed it aside. Swallowing visibly, she spread her knees a couple of inches apart and placed her hands on her thighs, palms up.
Crouching in front of her, he said, “Spread your knees wider like a proper Enclave slave and straighten your posture. Go on. Don’t make me ask twice.”
Looking away, she did as she was told. He tilted his head, letting his eyes move slowly over her body, lingering at her smooth cunt. Color was seeping over her chest and throat and splashing onto her cheeks. She really needed to get over her ridiculous shyness at being naked. He would be sure to work on that with her.
No penetrative sex didn’t mean he couldn’t touch her body as he wished, and even bring her to orgasm if it pleased him to do so. He considered cupping her cunt, feeling its heat, slipping a finger inside her wetness. But she looked so fucking nervous that he decided to cut her a break—for the moment.
“Better,” he said, getting back to his feet. “Rule two—for your remaining days at The Enclave, you will sleep up here with me. You can bring up your things after lunch.”
“What?” Hannah blurted. “You want me to sleephere? Withyou?”
Ignoring her disrespectful tone, not to mention his irritation that she seemed so freaked out at the prospect, Mason waited a beat for Hannah to at least add the honorific. But she just kept staring at him, mouth hanging open.
Leaning down, he grabbed her by the arm and hauled her upright. Wheeling her toward the back wall, he placed a hand on the back of her neck and frogmarched her toward the corner, ignoring her spluttering cries.
His hand still on her neck, he held her in place, her face pressed into the corner. “This is the timeout corner for naughty submissives. Not the most auspicious start to your one-on-one training, but that’s on you. Let that be the last time you fail to treat me, or any Dom here, with the proper respect. You will address me as Master Mason or Sir, and not only during an active session, but 24/7. Got that?”