Page 46 of Claiming Hannah
“Yes, Sir,” she muttered, her face still pressed against the wall.
“Furthermore,” Mason continued, “from this moment forward, you will not speak unless spoken to, or without first asking for, and receiving, permission to speak. Got it?”
“Yes, Sir,” she repeated, her voice barely a whisper.
“Speak up. I can’t hear you.”
“Yes, Sir,” she repeated, louder this time.
“Better,” Mason said.
He didn’t want to be too hard on her right out of the gate. By the same token, she needed to understand that he meant business. If she couldn’t handle such basic protocol, they might as well pack it in now.
Letting go of her, he took a step back, admiring the view. She had a gorgeous ass, full and round, perfect for spanking. Both his palm and his cock tingled at the thought of pulling her over his knee. Resisting the impulse, he instead addressed her question about sleeping arrangements.
“Here’s the thing, Hannah. The way things stand now, we only have five days left to work together. I plan to make the most of it. To answer your earlier question, having you traipse up and down from the basement to the second floor is a waste of time. Since I’m your sole trainer now, it makes sense for you to stay here with me when you aren’t otherwise occupied. And don’t worry, this isn’t some kind of convoluted way for meto get you into my bed. That’s a privilege you have to earn.”
He paused for a beat, letting that sink in. “For now, you’ll be sleeping on a special mattress on the floor. It comes with built-in restraints so you won’t be tempted to wander around at night without permission.”
Though her face remained to the wall, he could see the tension in her hunched shoulders and clenched fists. He was about to tell her she could turn around but had a better idea.
“We have some time before lunch prep. We’re going to do a quick exercise in obedience and self-control. Be forewarned, I’m going to touch your body as it pleases me. Your job is to follow my orders, remain in position, stay quiet and keep your face to the wall.”
A diabolical idea entered his head. At first he dismissed it as too challenging. But then he reconsidered. After all, he only had five days to whip her into a proper slave girl, pun intended.
Reaching into his pants pocket, he fished out a coin left over from a recent visit to the farmer’s market. Moving to stand beside her, he held up the quarter. Her face was slightly angled toward him, allowing her to see what he held.
“You’re going to hold this quarter against the wall with your nose. Don’t let it fall, no matter what I might be doing to you. Do you understand?”
She stared at the quarter, again swallowing visibly. But, after a beat, she replied softly, “Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
He placed the coin against the wall just beside her, level with her shoulder. “Move over a little so you can get your nose on the coin. I’ll hold on to it until you’re in place. As you can see, you’ll need to bend over in order to get into the right position. I want you with your ass out, legs spread wide.”
He waited as she got into position. “Spread your legs wider,” he said, toeing the inside of her ankle with his boot. “Better. Now, place your hands on either side of your head, palms flat against the wall.”
She looked so fucking hot, ass sticking out, her hot little cunt peeking between her legs, her round breasts gently swaying, the nipples fairly begging for weighted clamps.
Forcing himself to rein in his erotic fantasies, he only said, “Good. I’m going to let go of the quarter now, so make sure you’ve got it with your nose. Don’t let it fall, Hannah. Not until I give you permission. No matter what I do to you, or how I touch you, you will remain in position, nose on the coin, hands pressed flat against the wall. Are we clear?”
“Permission to speak, Sir?”
Mason considered denying her permission, but he didn’t want to push her too far, too fast. “What is it?”
“I don’t think I can hold this quarter against the wall like this for very long, Sir. It’s an awkward position.”
“Do the best you can.” He tapped on his watch and opened the timer app. “I’ll time you. If you can hold the coin in place for three minutes, you will be rewarded. If you drop it, you will be punished.”
He half expected her to let the coin drop immediately—to whirl around and tell him this was all a mistake. Instead, she replied, “Yes, Sir.”
Maybe she was slave material after all. Time would tell.
“I’m going to touch your body now, Hannah. Remember, don’t move out of position, and don’t drop the coin.”
He started slowly, running his hand over her back and shoulders, letting her get used to his touch. She flinched at first, but then seemed to relax as he stroked her soft, smooth skin and lightly kneaded her shoulders. Stepping back a little, he let his hands roam lower. When he cupped her ample bottom with both hands, she flinched.
He waited, expecting the coin to tumble to the floor. But, to her credit, Hannah managed to hold her position. “I’m going to touch you more intimately now, Hannah. Have any of your trainers so far worked with you on orgasm control?”