Page 47 of Claiming Hannah
“No, Sir,” she replied a little breathlessly.
The memory of last Friday night—had it really only been a week ago?—when he’d made her come so easily, already primed from the flogging, leaped into his mind’s eye. She had so much potential. If only they had more time.
“No time like the present,” he said, chuckling.
Again, he half expected her to balk, but she remained silent.
Encouraged, he stroked and kneaded her ass. Unable to resist, he cupped his palm and gave her a sharp, stinging swat. Predictably, she yelped. Yet, she didn’t move out of position or drop the coin.
Now for the real test.
Ignoring his raging erection, he cupped her cunt from behind. She gasped audibly, but the quarter remained in place. Slowly, gently, he rubbed her labia, using his middle finger to find the little button of her clit. She was wet, her clit hard, which pleased him.
Leaning over her back, he murmured in her ear, “You’re a perfect little slut. Aren’t you, Hannah? Beneath the blushing and the modesty is a dirty girl just waiting to come out.”
When she didn’t reply, he pulled his hand from between her legs and gave her another sharp smack, this one hard enough to leave a partial handprint on her creamy skin.
As she yelped again, he said calmly, “I asked you a direct question, slave girl. I’ll ask again. You’re a perfect little slut. Aren’t you, Hannah?”
“I-I don’t know, Sir,” she said breathlessly. Still the coin remained pressed against the wall.
“Is that right?” he said, chuckling. “Then we’ll just have to find out together, won’t we?”
“Yes, Sir.”
Again cupping her lovely cunt, he stroked and teased her, enjoying the small moaning sounds she made. It wasn’t long before she was trembling, her breath increasing to a pant. She was so responsive, and so wet. He wanted to yank down his pants and sink his cock into that slick,tight heat.
“You’re doing well,” he said, his voice hoarse with barely controlled lust. Damn her hard limits.
Still rubbing her slippery cunt, he glanced at his watch. There were only thirty seconds to go. If she made it, he would reward her with an orgasm. “Don’t come without permission,” he warned, pushing a finger inside her.
“Ooooh,” she cried, her vaginal muscles clamping down on his finger as a shudder moved through her body.
The coin clattered to the floor.
Mason abruptly withdrew his hand. “Oops. What a shame.” He glanced again at his watch. “You only had twelve seconds to go. Oh, well. Looks like someone’s earned another punishment.”
Chapter 20
Hannah whirled around, her arms automatically coming up to cover her breasts. She gaped at Mason, a dozen protests forming on her lips. She had meant it when she’d reaffirmed her intention to submit to intensive one-on-one training with Mason. And she’d been wildly proud of herself—stripping for him without freaking, holding that stupid quarter against the wall with her nose, managing to maintain that embarrassing, exposed position while he played with her.
She hadn’t even dropped the damn coin when he’d smacked her, and that second smack had really hurt. And now he wanted to punish her? “Not fair,” she wanted to whine. But he was watching her with that annoying, smug expression, silently daring her to protest.
She clamped her mouth shut. No way would she give him the satisfaction.
No matter how embarrassing or how difficult this intensive training turned out to be, she was determined to give it her very best shot. She just needed to approach this whole thing with the proper attitude. Closing her eyes, she channeled Lucia, the quintessential slave girl. If Mason said she’d earned a punishment, then by golly, she’d just have to endure it.
Resigned to her fate, she focused on her sexual frustration. Talk about climax-interruptus. She’d been right on the edge of an orgasm, despite her uncomfortable, embarrassing position.
Whatwasit about Mason? He wasn’t her type—not in the least—yet when he touched her, something ignited deep inside her, drawing her toward him like a moth to a flame.
And everyone knew what happened to those poor moths…
Okay. Enough. This wasn’t about Mason and Hannah.
He wasMasterMason training the sub girl Hannah.
She, Hannah Davies, who’d spent her life on the outside looking in, was now a bona fide sub girl! She couldn’t wait to text Charlotte and tell her about every amazing second since she’d woken up that morning, starting with that kiss…