Page 62 of Sinful Vows
Darcy passed out in Kieran’s office and scared the fuck out of us. Mostly me. Lachlan and Riordan pulled their Glocks, checking the window for micro bullet holes, but without any trace of blood, they re-holstered them.
She lay still on the carpeted office floor, breathing. Just out cold. My life changed in that moment. If I thought maybe I loved her, it was clear then I did. The idea of losing her wrecked me in a way I only felt when we buried my sister.
I picked her up and rushed her out to the Escalade. Griffin raced us to the hospital where medical personnel took us in right away. I felt so helpless watching them examine her. After waving smelling salts in front of her nose, she woke up and immediately vomited.
Seeing she was awake, I left and let them examine her. That was an hour ago.
Outside the curtain, I don’t believe what I’m hearing from this doctor. “How far along is she?”
“She’ll have to see an OB and get a sonogram.” The doctor speaks without looking at me, updating a mobile records cart. “She’s not bleeding, so there’s no reason for us to do one.”
“Bollocks.” I rub my eyes and step back toward the bed Darcy lay in.
Pregnant. She lied to me. Again. She had relations with a man before I showed up and didn’t tell me. When? When was this? And who? Christ almighty, if I find out Callum violated her again, I’m definitely going to end up in an Irish clink for murder.
Stepping into the curtained off area, Darcy jolts up into a sitting position.
“Did you hear?” She meets my eyes, flushed and biting her nails.
“Aye.” I brush a hand through my hair.
“That’s all you have to say?”
“Me?” I’m barely holding back my anger. “What am I supposed to say?”
“That you’re happy. You’re thrilled.”
“Thrilled?That the woman I love is carrying yet another man’s child? I knew I might have to watch it eventually when Kieran knocked you up.” I hoped I would prepare myself to react better than I am now.
Thatdeal with Kieran is dead in the water.
“Aye. You should be thrilled because you’re going to be a father, you git.” She throws an empty puke pan at me.
I stumble back, dodging it. “Me? I’m not the father. Ican’tbe.”
“Who else can it be? Other than with you, I haven’t had sex since that vacation in Italy last year. I told you that.”
I feel like passing out.“You were telling me the truth?”
“Why would I lie?” She grabs my hand. “You’re the liar. You told me last night you didn’t see the specialist. I should be mad at you. You and I went at it all week without a condom, and you made all kinds of medical assumptions you had no business making.”
“Last year?” I mumble, catching my breath. Pulling my hand away, I realize all of this is a mistake. “No. Then the shite doctors here are wrong. Get dressed. We’ll go see a doctor in Manhattan.”
“Ewan, stop!” She presses a hand to her breasts. “They’re sore like they were with Sadie.”
“Sadie.” Our eyes lock.
“Ewan!Youare Sadie’s father! I knew it.” That light in her eyes is back. In force. “Now we can be a family… Wearea family. Everyone knows I’m adopted. No one will judge us.”
“Stop. Just stop. You’re talking nonsense. Don’t you dare give me this kind of hope. I’m in love with you, and I can’t keep going back and forth in my mind and lose you over and over.”
“You do love me?” Her beautiful eyes open wide. “That wasn’t just a line before?”
“How can I not?” I breathe heavily through my nose. “Do you… Do love youme?”
“Of course, I do! You were my first. I never forgot you. How you made me feel. How youmakeme feel. Loved and protected. How you are with Sadie. You said you didn’t make love, but I’m sorry, that wasn’t just shagging. That waslove. Stop denying what’s between us. How good we are together.” She takes my hand again, stronger this time. She’s not letting me go. “We have Sadie and now another baby on the way.”
“I’ve got to…” I lose my breath. “I have to talk to a doctor right now. This isn’t fair to either of us. Someone made a mistake.”