Page 63 of Sinful Vows
“Aye, you did, you moron.” Griffin comes behind the curtain. “I told you that you needed to go see the specialist to know for sure. Hey, Darcy.”
“Hi, Griff.” She smiles.
“Holy crap, Ma’s gonna lose her mind with all these wee ones who arehersnow, too.”
“With my niece. You don’t think Aiden and Norah might have a problem with this?” I’ve lost count of all the sins I’ve committed.
“You didn’t know she was your niece when you…” He clears his throat. “No one will fault you that.”
“And this wee one in her belly?” I point to Darcy. “I knew who she was when I made that one.”
“They’ll get over it. You’re a family. You love each other. That’s all that matters.” Griffin claps me on the shoulder. “Besides, don’t you realize you’re Ma’s favorite and can get away with anything?”
“Norah was her favorite.”
“Aye. But she’s gone. She didn’t lose you.” Griffin pulls me in for a hug. “Congratulations, brother. You, too, Darcy.”
“We have to know for sure.” I still can’t accept this. “Darcy, let’s do another blood test. If you’re expecting—”
“Ifwe’reexpecting.” She moves my hand onto her belly. “We.Us.This is your baby, Ewan.”
“Us…” I like the sound of that. It heals me and makes me feel whole.
“And you really love me?” Darcy asks, sounding unsure.
“I do.” I sit on the end of the bed. “I was dying in that office. Losing you one second at a time.”
“It’s divine intervention, then.” She pulls me closer and kisses me. It’s like air in my lungs after weeks of suffocating. “A miracle.”
“Mummy!” Sadie’s voice makes me jump to my feet, holding on to the pretense. How will we tell her all of this?
Darcy leans down and pulls Sadie onto the bed with her. “Mummy’s fine. Just felt a little dizzy.”
Ma ambles in seconds behind Sadie and fusses over Darcy. A baby changes everything. Despite Griffin’s optimism, I’m not sure how Ma will feel about it.
When I look at Darcy, she stares back at me, holding Sadie. Darcy smiles the sweetest grin I’ve ever seen. It anchors me, and right there, I know she’s it for me. She’s my forever.
And she already has my last name.
“I was really hoping there would be baby penguins at the Central Park Zoo.” I steer Darcy by the small of her back as we walk down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
“Ewan, I’m so happy you made Mummy come.”
I glance at Darcy, so many wicked thoughts going through my head. “So am I, Sadie, my love.”
“I’m not your love. I’m Mummy’s.”
“You can be his love, too,” Darcy says as she lets go of Sadie’s hand and urges her to hold mine. I’m awed by the feeling of trust in those little fingers as they grab hold of mine. I smile as she swings our arms as we walk.
“You don’t have to go through all this trouble telling her the um…news,” Darcy whispers over Sadie, who’s switched sides to walk between us. The little minx is up to something. I can see it in her eyes.
Sadie takes her mother’s hand, sandwiching herself between us. It’s an image I dreamed about but never dared hope for. I have a family, and I’m crazy about both of them.
Sadie tips her head back to see the tall buildings. “Wow.”
That’s my impression, too, but I’m not looking at the buildings. Just at Darcy and Sadie.
Inside, at the doll store’s reception desk, I check us in. This tea with the doll was my idea. I proudly made the reservation and almost broke down again when I answered, Aye, I’m her father.