Page 2 of Bruiser
“Stark’s my last name.” I admit. “Usually, I keep that information to myself because of what comes next.”
“What’s your first name?”
“Can you keep a secret?” She nods, and I lean in close. My lips nearly brush her earlobe when I speak. “I can too.” I tease, then pull away, taking her sweet honeysuckle scent with me.
“Cute.” She rolls her eyes, using her straw to stab the ice in her empty glass. Even in a shit show crowd like tonight’s, I can’t ignore my cue.
“Let me get you a drink.” It’s not a question.
“Vodka soda.” Her hot gaze is dangerous. Sizing her up, I’d say she’s a woman who knows exactly what she wants. There’s no bigger turn-on.
“Vodka soda coming right up.”
“Two limes.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder, exposing her billowing cleavage. Jesus Christ, this woman’s body is criminal. “Don’t forget.”
I huff out a sarcastic laugh. “Don’t go anywhere.” She shakes her head, nibbling on her straw once more. Teddie lowers her chin but keeps her eyes trained on me. I can feel the heat from her gaze as I make my way through the crowd once more.
Chapter Two
I’ve never seena man as big as Stark, or…whatever his real name is. Hell, right now, I don’t care. All I can think about is how fucking horny I am. How long it’s been since I’ve slept with someone. A broken heart will do that to you. I’d sworn off men for as long as I could. Seeing Stark tonight has broken my dry spell. I’m getting laid tonight.
From his massive shoulders to the way his trim waist tapers above his plump, sexy ass, he’s physical perfection. Add that to his height—well over six foot—and my panties are nearly drenched just looking at him. But it’s his eyes that get me the most. Against his dark hair and beard, his bright green eyes nearly glow in the dark. And to think, I nearly canceled tonight in the name of Netflix and chill.
Victoria throws her head back, laughing at something Lance says. They're in their own world, but I’m fine with it. I never go out to bars, mainly because I can’t stand big crowds, but it’s Mardi Gras, and I just want to live a little. There’s not much action at the library where I work unless you count the dozens of phone calls I get in a day asking if we have any copies of Prince Harry’s autobiography. There’s actually a waitlist with over a hundred patrons on it.
I turn and set my glass on the ledge behind us, freeing up my hands so I can check my phone. I’ve barely dug it out of my purse and started scrolling through Instagram when I feel a hot breath against my ear. “Hey, Teddie.”
“That was quick.” I turn, thinking it’s Stark already back with the drinks, but when I see who it is, my heart drops. I try to take a step back, but the wall behind me blocks me. “Andrew.”
“It’s been a minute.” My ex-boyfriend smirks, staggering slightly. Of course, he’s wasted. Heaven forbid he miss a big night out.
“Actually, it’s been six months.”
“Who’s counting?” He slithers closer to me, and I try to move, but again, I’m pinned in. I look at Victoria and Lance, but they're flirting up a storm and not paying attention to what’s happening right beside them. Shit.
“Leave me alone, Andrew.” I try to dodge behind him, but he blocks my way. Even drunk, he’s faster than I am. While he’s not nearly as big as Stark, he’s still a strong guy. “I don’t want any trouble.”
“Me either, baby.” His whiskey breath makes me cringe. “What do you say we get out of here?”
“No, thanks.” I say, attempting to peer over him. Hoping for what? That Stark is on his way back with the drinks? And then what, he’ll think I’m talking to someone else and give my drink to someone else. Fucking Andrew always ruins everything.
“Come on, Teddie.” He grabs my arm, not hard enough to hurt but tight enough that it takes me a second to pull away.
“I said no, Andrew. Go somewhere and sober up. Leave me alone.”
His laugh rings out an evil tone. “Playing hard to get, huh?” He lunges for me once more, and finally, Victoria takes note.
“What the fuck, dude?” Victoria pushes his shoulder. Andrew staggers backward but quickly recovers. Lance squares hisshoulders, and the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I don’t want any trouble, but it appears to be too late.
“Teddie, do you want to talk to this guy?”
“No.” I cross my arms over my chest.
“Then beat it, brother.” Lance’s nostrils flare.
“I’m not your fucking brother,” Andrew yells. A few people around us have started staring. Heat rises to my cheeks. I prefer to be invisible. This is my worst nightmare.