Page 3 of Bruiser
“Just go.” My voice raises in pitch.
“Listen, you little slut—“
It all happens so fast. Andrew’s face crumples as he’s lifted off of his feet. Stark holds the back of his shirt, holding him like a kitten by the scruff. Andrew scrambles, the tips of his shoes scraping the floor. Finally, after what seems like forever, Stark throws him down—hard.
A crowd of people gasps around us. My hand flies to my mouth as I watch in horror. “Get up, motherfucker.” Stark’s voice is so calm, so still, that it’s even scarier than if he were shouting.
“You asshole,” Andrew screams, scrambling to his feet. Even with his chest puffed out, he’s so much smaller than Stark. Andrew throws a punch, but Stark dodges and grabs his arm, pulling it around behind his back.
Another gasp escapes the crowd.
“Fuck!” Andrew’s strained voice fills the air. “Let go; you’re going to break my arm.”
“Leave the lady alone.” Stark tugs a little harder.
“Don’t!” I yell. Stark’s eyes, once warm and bright, are now dark and stormy. Stark stares at me for the longest time. It’s as if he’s in a trance. “Please.” Slowly, the ice melts from his eyes. He lets go of Andrew, who once again falls to the ground.
“You’re lucky.” Stark snarls, throwing his finger in Andrew’s face. It’s the last thing he says before the security guardssurround us. They swarm in, but Stark throws his arms up. “Yeah, I know. I know. I’m going.”
They don’t bother touching him. Hell, I’d be scared too. He’s massive.
He runs his hand through his now-mussed hair, lets out a long exhale, and looks at me. “I’m sorry, Teddie.” His gaze shifts to the ground, and he turns on his heel. Security walks beside him as he makes his way through the crowd, parting to make room for his massive frame.
My heart beats so fast I think I may pass out. I can’t believe what just happened, that my ex-boyfriend would cause such a scene after months of silence. That Stark came out of nowhere, standing up for me even though we just met. But what has me awestruck most is wondering if I’ll ever see Stark again.
Chapter Three
God,that was stupid of me. The most beautiful woman in the world was about to be mine for the night, and my anger, once again, got the best of me. My fists clench around the free weights as I finish out my last set of bicep curls. The gym’s pumping music soothes me as sweat drips down my temple. This is where I usually deal with my aggression; the gym is my happy place. But I can’t get the fact that I royally screwed things up out of my brain.
I grunt and set down the weights before taking a seat on the bench. “You’ve got to let it go, dude.” Lance’s voice startles me.
“She probably thinks I’m a volatile prick.” I towel off my forehead. Lance just shrugs.
“We’ve already been through this.” After I left—er, was escorted out, Teddie called an Uber and went straight home. My buddy, on the other hand, spent the night with Victoria. They’ve got their official first date tonight.
I wish I could go back and change things, but I saw what happened, and I couldn’t let that pencil-dick asshole manhandle her like that.
“It’s water under the bridge.” Lance’s palm cuts through the air. “Besides, just say the word and I’ll get her number from Vic.”
“That sounds so high school.”
“You got a better option?”
I sigh, my breathing returning to normal, and shake my head. No, unfortunately, I don’t. But I don’t want my best friend trying to talk her into seeing me. That feels juvenile. There has to be a better way. Besides, maybe it’s better not knowing if I’ve completely turned her off by my aggressive behavior. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“I’m going to hit the showers.” I stand, lightheaded, realizing I haven’t eaten today. I’m suddenly craving a fucking burger like no other. I’m sure Lance will join me. Going to the diner is a rite of passage. We’ve been doing it since middle school when I had to get out of the house because of my parents' incessant fighting.
Luckily the locker room is pretty sparse. I hop in, letting the warm stream relax me.
I’m a grown-ass man and shouldn’t even have to deal with this bullshit. But again, I fucked up by letting my emotions get the best of me. It’s always gotten me into trouble, and while I’ve gotten better over the years, it looks like my anger issues are still a problem.
But it’s not unjustified. At the bottom of my outbursts lies the quest for justice. If I see someone being wronged I can’t just sit back and let it happen. I’ve paid the price for it and wish I could just move forward.
Once Lance and I are both dressed, we head outside to our cars. “Shit.” He pecks at his phone. “I’ve got a call from the hospital. They’re down a nurse, and I’m going to pick up a shift.”
Guess I’ll be flying solo at the diner. “I get it. You’re fighting the good fight, Nurse Jackie.”