Page 5 of Bruiser
“I love that place!” My hand flies to my chest, and I’m aware I’m dressed completely differently than the other night. My work attire is much more conservative, and truth be told, it’s more like what I wear on a day-to-day basis outside of work, too. “I really don’t get down there enough.”
Stark smiles. “They have the best burgers.”
“That sounds amazing.” He pulls out his key fob and unlocks his car. “But,” I place my hand on his arm. Tingles sparkle up myarm. “Let’s just walk. It’s only a few blocks away.” He purses his full lips, taking in my suggestion.
“Sure.” He nods. “A walk sounds nice.”
“Cool.” I’m a teenager with her first crush as Stark falls in line next to me. The spicy scent of his cologne has me reeling. I could climb him like a goddamn tree, wrapping my legs around his massive frame. I’m not a petite woman by any means, and his strong, sturdy frame is calling to me. I already know he’d keep me safe.
Even if he is a bit of a loose cannon.
I shake the thought from my mind. “We can take a shortcut through the park.” I point toward the freshly planted flowers at the entrance as we cross the street.
“I’m sorry about the other night.” His sneakers scuff against the curb. “If I scared you or anything.”
“Honestly? It was a bit abrasive.” When I turn to him, his face reddens. “But I wasn’t scared.” I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “Not of you, anyway.”
“Who was that asshole?”
“A guy I used to date.” My mouth twists, attempting to hold in the rest. I fail miserably. “For two years, we were inseparable, then he got distant and asked if we could open up the relationship.”
Stark’s brow furrows as we pass a playground on our left. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, he made it sound like it would be good for me too, but the truth is he had met someone and wanted to slowly ease out of our relationship.”
“Did you do it?” His tricep flexes as he tucks his hands into his pockets. “Open the relationship?”
“I tried it, but I couldn’t bring myself to actually date or talk to anyone else.” A bird soars overhead, shaking the tree branch it lands upon. “I’m sort of a serial monogamist.”
“He’s a fool.” Stark shakes his head. The sun picks up the light brown highlights in his dark hair. “I’d never share you with anyone.”
His words nearly stop me in my tracks but I beg my legs to keep going. “That’s very sweet.”
“I fucking mean it. Guys like him; I see them all the time. Twerpy little jerks who thinks they can do whatever they want whenever they want.” He clenches his jaw. “Let me guess; he’s from money?”
“Yep. Lots of it.” I notice how Stark’s demeanor has visibly shifted. He’s so uptight, and his contentious air almost makes me uncomfortable. “But I don’t want to talk about him. Except for you coming in to show him who’s boss.” I search Stark’s eyes, a smile on my face. His entire body melts.
“Yeah, fuck that dude.” One side of his mouth lifts into the cutest, shy smile.
We continue down the path until we reach the other side of the park. Across the street, the diner beckons. I love their tuna melt, but you can damn well be sure I won’t be ordering that today.
Once we’re inside and seated, I sneak recurring glances in Stark’s direction. He’s so insanely handsome. His hands look gigantic against the menu. He catches me staring, and I immediately shift my gaze.
He closes his menu and sets it down. “Burger, fries, and a Coke.”
“That’s incredibly classic of you.”
“I’m kind of a classic type of man.” I let out a little laugh, holding my menu but unable to truly focus on the words. “What’s so funny?”
“You seem like anything but.” I press my lips together to stop my beaming smile.
“Oh, you’ve got it all wrong, Teddie.” God, I love the way he says my name. It sends shivers up and down my spine, and I can’t help picturing his lips against mine while he’s lying on top of me, whispering in my ear while he fucks me senseless.
I’m dripping wet again.
“I guess we’ll see, won’t we?” I tease, feeling confident.
“We will.” His stare burns hot into me, and I wonder if I can’t just blow off the rest of the work day and have a mid-day dessert session in my bedroom. It’s a passing thought. I’m not that bold. “I’m not like that all the time either.” He mumbles, pulling me out of my daydream.