Page 6 of Bruiser
“Like what?” I ask.
“Aggressive. I just couldn’t stand watching him accost you like that.” His fists clench against the table. I’m not sure if he’s telling me the truth, but I want to believe him. This gentle giant sitting across from me has secrets, and something tells me I may be just the person who can help bring them to light.
“Well.” I reach over and place my hand over his fist. It immediately unclenches. “I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”
Chapter Five
Beingwith Teddie calms me in a way I haven’t known. Even a simple glance is enough to take my blood pressure down a notch. While I’m hesitant to call her magical, I’m also at a loss for a better word. My instinct at the bar was right; she is something special. I just hope I’m good enough for her.
After lunch, we take our time walking back to the library. It’s hard to keep my eyes off her gorgeous frame. The way her hips gently sway as she walks. There’s a softness about her that I find completely irresistible. Every time she smiles, I see the possibility of what it’s like to have a future with her. It seems crazy after knowing her for such a short amount of time, but I can’t deny the feelings stirring in my gut.
“You grew up here?” She brushes her long hair away from her face, and I note the spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose.
“Yeah.” I try not to stare. “Well, nearby. You?”
“Nah.” She shakes her head. “I grew up further west. I miss the ocean.”
“A beach bunny, huh?” Her head whips in my direction, and I wish I could take back the words. I sound like an idiot.
“I guess you can say that. Though I’m not much of a swimmer. It’s the sounds that soothe me. In fact, I’m terrified of water when you can’t see what’s lurking beneath.” Her fingers tiptoe up my arm, attempting to creep me out. The gesture only leaves me with chills running up and down my arm.
“I’ve heard the ocean has a soothing effect.”
Teddie stops mid-stride. “You’ve never seen the ocean?” Embarrassed, I shake my head. I grew up pretty poor, and family vacations were out of the question. “Well, that’s a shame. In fact, we may even have to remedy that. It’s only like a four-hour drive.”
Imagining a road trip with Teddie, the wind blowing through her golden hair gives me an instant tingle in my gut. I’d go anywhere with this woman. But seeing the ocean for the first time with her would be like a dream.
“I’d be down for that.” I say, hoping to keep the excitement out of my voice. I don’t want to appear too eager. Sometimes coming on too strong actually turns women off. Especially in this case when all I want to do is pick her up, throw her over my shoulder, and claim her as my own.
Teddie’s full lips spread into a smile. “We’ll put it on the docket.” Her face flushes, and I wonder if mine isn’t turning red, too.
Once back at the library parking lot, we tool around for a minute, not knowing what to say. The truth is that I want to ask her out, but I’m not sure where to take her. Even after an afternoon together, I’m still not sure where to take her.
“We should go out sometime.” She says, taking the words right out of my mouth. “If you want.” She licks her lips, seemingly embarrassed after making such a bold move.
I take her hand in mine, pulling her closer. I’ve never touched smoother, softer skin. “I do want.”
“Cool,” she says with a downcast glance. “I’m free pretty much all weekend.”
“You like the outdoors?”
“Er…sure.” Teddie furrows her brow. “If it involves a cabin with working WiFi.”
A laugh escapes my lips. “I understand. I wouldn’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable doing.” Though my mind’s eye paints a picture of a very naked Teddie doing some very naughty things.
“I’m open to trying new things, but I do not sleep outdoors.” She waves her hand through the air, showing off a pearly pink manicure.
“You’re already thinking of sleeping together, huh?” Again, the words slip out of my mouth before I can think better of them. I try to backpedal, but it’s too late. At least Teddie’s smiling.
“I guess that was a little presumptuous.”
“How about we start by taking a day trip to the lake? I’ll bring a picnic, and we can hike up the mountain and find a nice spot to chill.”
Teddie’s silence makes me wonder if I’ve suggested the exact wrong type of date. “That actually sounds really nice,” she says, meeting my gaze. God, this woman is insanely gorgeous. She looked super hot on Mardi Gras, but this underlying sweetness about her makes her cute as well—the perfect storm.
“Saturday.” I hold out my hand. “Give me your phone.” She digs it out of her bag, unlocks it, and places it in my palm. I plug in my number and hand it back. “Text me with your number, and we’ll coordinate timing.”