Page 44 of They Call Me Wicked
“What plan would you like him on? And do you have a number or address?”
“Hmm. You know what? I think he’d beveryinterested in your house special.” I snap my fingers at Kai and he moves closer to me. I mime sipping a drink with my hand and he catches on, his aura flaring with amusement and mischievousness. He complies with my silent request, relaying the number to me, and I repeat it to Scarlette.
“Alright, got it. Your wish is my command.”
“That’s why I love you!” I sing-song, grinning ear to ear wickedly.
“As I love you, darling. Be a dear and stop by soon. I do get awfully bored without you.”
“That actually reminds me. I have one other thing. Of a personal matter.” I hesitate, but decide to just spit it out. “I’m having a bit of a…stalker problem. Could you keep your ear to the ground for me? Maybe throw out a few bones and see if any dogs come to snatch ’em?”
“Consider it done.” She stays on the line for a moment and I know she’s not quite finished with me yet, so I wait until she finally speaks again. This time, the seductive nature of her voice is absent, her tone serious and shaky. “Stay safe, Wicked. Lord knows what you’ve done to help me out in this life. I would consider us friends if either of us were that type of person.”
“Aww, you do care!” I try to tease, but my insides do weird things and the words come out empty.
“Well, you are my primary source of income, darling, and I do need to maintain my current lifestyle. I’ve grown rather fond of it.” Her husky, sex tone is back and I breathe out in relief.
“I’ll be sure to stay alive. Just for you, though,” I state dryly before hanging up, the sounds of her twinkling laughter echoing down the line before it clicks off.
“Wha-” Kai starts to question, but I hold my finger up, stopping him in his tracks.
“Shh. I’m working.” He chuckles as I scroll through my phone again, the robot lady directing me to my next contact. This one not having anything to do with Arlo or my stalker.
“Transcendence Care Center. This is Maisie speaking. How can I help you?”
“Hi, Maisie! This is Izabella Wicked calling about Dorothy Wicked.”
“Oh hi, Wicked!” Her voice switches from professional to friendly as she recognizes me. “What can I help you with?”
“I was just checking in to see how she’s doing today and whether or not she can come out and play tonight.”
“Let me pull up her nursing notes for you.” I hear the clicking of her keyboard and mouse as she does and my foot starts rapidly shaking as I wait. “Oh, I’m sorry. It looks like it isn’t a good day for her today.” Her voice has gone solemn and my heart seems to skip an entire beat in my chest, the lurching almost painful.
“Is she okay?”
“She’s fine, and this is totally normal, so don’t worry. She’s just a bit more confused and on edge today. It’s probably best for her safety, and the safety of those around her, that she stays in where she can be cared for and supervised for tonight. I’m so sorry, lovely.”
“It’s okay. Thank you for checking.” It’s not okay. In fact, the whole situation makes me want to scream. How is this normal? How could I not worry? A person literally losing their mind isn’t normal.
“You can always come in and visit, dearie.”
“Thanks, Maisie.” I hang up the phone before I end up taking out my frustration on the poor girl. I know it isn’t her fault that this is just a facet of life’s unpredictability and suffering. But goddamnit, it’s really not fair.
My nana has been through hell and back in her life, coming out on top every fucking time, and now she gets taken out by some incurable brain disease that she can’t even try to fight? She doesn’t deserve this.
“Hey. Are you okay?” Kai comes up beside me and grabs my hand.
“Yup. Just fucking dandy.” I put my phone away, rubbing at my pounding temples to ease away the stress and turmoil.
I’m saved from elaborating on what switched my mood by three more auras approaching, noticing that Andy must have wandered away at some point.
“Wicked,” Alan says by way of greeting and I stand up.
“Brownie-Butter! How’s that hangover treating you?” Fight sadness with humor. That I can do.
“Shove it.”
“Any updates on the case you won’t let me help with?”