Page 45 of They Call Me Wicked
“Act like you haven’t been doing your best to try. But no, we’ve reached a dead end.” He sounds tired and frustrated as my stomach seems to fill with lead. “We checked out all the names you gave us, but every single one is accounted for. They are all still serving their time and don't seem to have any access to the outside world through contacts or anything. We’ll investigate any friends they may have made on the inside and see if that’s a possibility, but it’s not looking good.”
“Well, that sucks.”
“Yes, it does.” He gives me a moment before clearing his throat. “Do you maybe have an ex-boyfriend or lover that might feel…slighted?”
“No, nothing like that. I did have a bang buddy, but he cared as little about me as I cared about him. It wouldn’t make sense.” I search further into the recesses of my mind and come up blank.
“Why don’t you think on it and send me a list. Even if you don’t think they have it in them to be suspects, add any possible candidates so we can clear them, at least.”
“You’re going to make me so damn popular, boss.” I roll my eyes with a sigh. “But as you wish. I’ll send it over tonight.”
“And as for your secret mission to go to the victim’s house and see if you can feel anything, don’t bother. She wasn’t taken from there. She disappeared sometime after leaving work and never showed up at home. Her roommate confirmed it.”
“What about the-”
“The roommate was clean. Solid alibi, no motive. You’re grasping at straws, Wicked.”
“Don’t you think I know that? But it’s all I fucking have! It’s not your life that is being invaded and locked away, so you can’t possibly understand!”
“Look, I get it. I understand all of your frustrations. But wewillfind this guy. I promise. Everything will get back to normal soon. Just…promise me you’ll be safe and stay with at least one of the guys at all times. I know it’s a pain, but it’ll ease my worries, okay?” His voice is pleading, his vibrations just as desperate, and I find myself agreeing before I can even think it through.
“Thank you. Now please go home and let me take care of this for you. Stay safe.” With that, he walks away and I round on the nearest asshole who deserves my wrath.
“Douchebag!” Nic’s aura doesn’t even waver at my attention. “Fucking tattletale! You just had to tell him I wanted to do some real detective work, didn’t you?”
“What are you, four? You’re not allowed on the case, it’s a conflict of interest. I’m doing my job and it doesn’t include letting you run off and getting into trouble. You’re in danger, or have you forgotten?”
“If you fucktards would just let me help, I could have found him by now!”
“No, you couldn’t have. Or don’t you remember how your last vision went? He can get around them. You’re not any help at all.” It shouldn’t hurt to be reminded, but it does. How the fuck am I supposed to help when the person we’re searching for somehow knows exactly how to avoid me finding him?
I’ve never felt more useless.
“Ezra?” I turn away, the fight draining from my body and leaving only exhaustion.
“Can you take me to go see my nana? She can’t come out tonight, but I’d still like to see her.”
“Yes.” His answer is simple, completely unruffled in any way, and I know that’s exactly what I need right now. Someone who will just give it to me straight. Ezra won’t sugarcoat like Kai, or judge me and try to hurt me like Nic. He’ll just be.
As if that makes any sense.
“Thanks, Ezra.” I loop my arm through his and we start heading out. When two sets of footsteps move to follow, I stop in place. “No, no, no. You’re not coming.”
“We have to stay with you at all times. Chief said-” Nic starts, but I interrupt.
“Alan said I have to be with at leastoneof you at all times. I’m going with Ezra. End of discussion.” I start walking again, Ezra keeping step with me.
“What are we supposed to do? We all rode together, Wick!” Kai calls after me.
“Call an Uber!”
“She’s a feisty one, isn’t she?” His voice still carries to my ears and I smirk.
“She’s…something,” Nic responds, a strange lilt to his voice that I can’t quite place.