Page 51 of They Call Me Wicked
“You’re making zero sense, Kai. Absolutely none. That shit only happens in fantasy books.” I ponder it for another moment. I wouldn’t be lying if I said the thought intrigues the hell out of me, but I shake my head to try and dislodge the daydream. “It wouldn’t work, broski. Can you imagine? That’s way too many chefs and not enough kitchen!”
“I think you’re underestimating the room in your kitchen.” His tone turns suggestive as his hand slips over the part of my ass hanging off my stool.
“Did you just say my ass was fat?” I tease, my tone accusatory.
“What?! No! That’s not-”
I cut him off with a laugh, his mortification turning to humor. I hop off my stool. “I’ll be right back. I really have to piss. Like a fucking racehorse.”
“Such a lady,” he teases as he surfaces behind me, pressing himself flush against my ass as he walks with me. “I’ll walk with you. I have to go too.”
“How are you going to piss withthat?” I press my ass harder into his front, his extremely hard dick obvious as hell.
“Oh, the hell men go through for sexy women,” he drawls before dissolving into laughter. “Here. The ladies room, m’lady. It looks like the stalls are on your left and the sinks across from them on the right.”
I practically swoon as he helps me not have to blindly stumble around in the gross public restroom. “Kai Zhao! Did you just peek into the girl’s bathroom? You perv!” I slap a hand over my heart dramatically before running into the room, giggles bubbling from my throat as his hand barely misses my arm.
I strongly consider sticking my tongue out at him and pulling the old ‘na na nuh boo boo’ at him, but my bladder–realizing how close it is to relief–decides to scream at me. I book it into the closest stall and lock it behind me, Kai’s laughter following me until the door closes completely and cuts off the sounds of the bar.
I kick my foot out experimentally to find the edge of the toilet before pulling my pants down and squatting over it in an attempt to stop my ass cheeks from touching the grimy, public, overused ass seat, and praying to all that is holy, that I at least got this one correct. The sound of my piss hitting the rank toilet water as I relieve myself is possibly the best sound in the world as I mentally thank whatever is watching out for me tonight.
No one needs piss covered jeans while out with a sexy man.
Even if said man is a lunatic.
Being with three men at once? Psht. That’s insane. Isn’t it?
I mean…the sex would be bomb as hell. But the rest of it? Talk about a nightmare! That’s triple the amount of socks not making it to the laundry basket. Triple the amount of piss being left on the toilet seat. Triple the amount of literally every single annoying thing that men don’t seem to be able to stop doing.
That’s also triple the orgasms. Triple the cuddles. Triple the amount of people who care about you, protect you, and treat you like a queen.
And who wouldn’t want that?
The door to the bathroom opens, the sound of music and tons of people talking pour into the room before muting again. I clean myself before pulling up my pants and finding my way to the sinks to wash my hands. It takes a moment to find the soap and get the automatic faucet to turn on for me, but I manage it.
Damn, I am nailing it tonight.
Nailing everything except stopping my idiot brain from fantasizing about a world where three men would put up with me long enough to have a real long-term relationship. That’s insane! Plus, I don’t do relationships. As incapable as any man is of putting up with me forever, I’m just as incapable of putting up with them.
I’m not relationship material.
Kai will figure it out soon enough and give up on this wholetrying to make me fall in love with himthing. Shit, he’s probably close already. Knowing his track record, I’m surprised he didn’t just fuck off right after our first night together. I truly think he’s lost his mind.
“Girl, can you please leave already? I’m trying to shit!” A feminine voice interrupts my train of thought and I let out a giggle, realizing I have indeed been standing here for way too long already.
“Sorry. Deuces!” She laughs at my double whammy of a goodbye as I find the door handle and leave the bathroom.
The bar is obnoxiously loud as I try to make my way back to the populated area, a little surprised that Kai wasn’t waiting for me in the hall, when I run directly into a hard body.
“Whoops. Sorry.” I pat at the person’s chest, realizing I ran into a man. “I didn’t see you!” I laugh at my own little joke before I try to sidestep him. My hackles raise as his form follows me, blocking my path to the exit. “Excuse me.”
“Hello again!” The voice is familiar and I try to push past my inebriation and focus on the aura. Yes, drinking dulls my psychic senses. That’s why I do it. To quiet the vibrations. But that’s also why I only usually do it at home, because without it I’m truly blind.
Where is Kai?
I get just a shimmer of the aura in front of me and I try to recall where I’ve felt it before. Suddenly, it hits me and my spine snaps straight. “Arlo?”