Page 52 of They Call Me Wicked
“I was wondering if you would remember me. I was surprised you didn’t call me.”
“Call you?”
“You know, because I left my number on your drink. I know I put my foot in my mouth a lot, but I could tell you were into me before your friends got all defensive.” Why am I just now realizing how fucking sleazy he sounds?
“First of all, I’m blind. I didn’t see your number. Second of all, you’re mistaken. Whatever it is you felt, was on you. I’m not interested. Sorry.” I try to sidestep him again, but he once more mirrors the movement.
Now I’m fucking pissed. Where is my cane when I need it? Or Gizmo and Snitch? Or, hell, Kai for that matter?
I knew I shouldn’t have come out tonight.
“That’s funny you say you didn’t see it, because I’ve had some rather…interesting calls lately. Apparently I’m looking for a good time with some furries, among other things.”
Atta girl, Scarlette. That bitch works fast! It would be almost funny if I wasn’t learning about it in this sort of situation.
“Now that your guard dogs aren’t around, you don’t have to pretend not to be interested. I know you felt the same thing I did.” He presses in closer and I grind my teeth, my hands curling into fists at my side. His breath reeks of booze, and normally I’m not one to judge–hell, I’ve had quite a few myself tonight–but he doesn’t seem to be holding it all that well based on the sway in his form.
“Back off, dude. I said I’m not interested. How is that not clear?” I bite the words out, but it’s like he doesn’t even notice.
“Oh, come on, we could have a lot of fun together.” He almost sings the words as his hands circle around my waist and pull me tight against his front, his hardness rubbing against my pelvis and making me want to vomit. I immediately shove at him and try to knee him, but he surprisingly deflects it, a sign that maybe he isn’t as drunk as he appears to be.
“I saidno, bitch. Shall I say it in Spanish too? No,puta!” His anger spikes and he grabs my shoulders and shoves me against the wall, my head banging against the concrete with a crack, pain spiking from the impact. My aviators fly from my face and expose my scars, yet I can’t even begin to focus on them right now because I’m instantly woozy.
“Damn, so that’s what you’re hiding under there.” His hand grips my chin, jolting my face up towards his, even as I struggle to pull away. “Eh, that’s okay. I like my women a little damaged. Easy pickings, if you know what I mean.”
His other hand strokes over the edges of the scars around my eyes and my tear ducts threaten to empty at the analysis of my most hidden trait. I try to jerk my head back, but he holds me tightly in place. The knock to my head makes his job easier as I struggle to focus through the dizziness.
Suddenly, the room is spinning and my legs leave the floor. Through the fog, it takes me a second to realize he’s moving me. Adrenaline spikes through the pain and I open my mouth to scream, yet I barely get a sound out before his hand grips my throat painfully, cutting off any chance of getting air.
The room shifts again before cold air hits my skin and I’m just aware enough to realize that he’s taken me outside, probably through a back exit to an alley. Holding me by my throat against one of the strikingly cold brick walls of a building, I suddenly feel his hand snaking its way down the front of my pants as he presses his hardness into my hip.
I react in a flurry, trying to scratch and hit anything within reach, but I might as well be a small child fighting a full grown man with all the good it does. He’s talking, but I can’t even tell what he’s saying through the haze in my head and his grip on my neck cutting off my oxygen supply.
Panic and terror set in, their dark hold grabbing me and echoing the darkness I am forced to live in every day.
His hand travels lower beneath my underwear. In a fear induced panic, I twist my legs, kicking out and doing everything in my power not to let his hand touch and take what is onlymineto give. One of my kicks manages to connect and forces him to loosen his grip on me, allowing me to gulp down a few precious lungfuls of air before his arms close around my shoulders and he slams my head against the wall again.
Once. Twice. Three times.
Completely disorientated, my body goes slack as I fall to the ground.
My mind is suddenly encased by a thick fog, consciousness trying to abandon me and leave me vulnerable. I try to fight the pull to give in, but my limbs are numb and they no longer follow my command.
“There’s a good girl. Just relax and let me make you feel good.” His repulsive voice reaches through the fog and a tear leaves my eye, trailing an icy path down the side of my face before disappearing into my hairline.
“Wicked?” The accented voice yells my name, but it’s so far away. I try to call out, but something hard slams against my face, leaving me choking on blood instead. The burning pain only adding to the excruciating agony from the back of my skull.
“Shh. We don’t want him coming and ruining all the fun, do we?” Arlo murmurs in my ear as he covers my mouth with his hand, his wet, disgusting breath leaving poisoned warmth on my neck as he pushes himself between my legs. The voice calls my name, sounding even further away, and I know all hope is lost.
He’s going the wrong way.
Cold, sharp metal presses against my throat, trailing down until it hits my collarbone before pressing in harder, the burning of my skin splitting open barely registering through the rest of my anguish. “You might want to stay still for this part.”
As if I could move.
My body jerks up as he pulls my hoodie over my head, leaving it around my head and pressing my arms to my ears. I choke around blood and fabric as the sound of ripping cloth reaches my ears, cold air sweeping over my torso, the chill settling into my bones and helping to keep my consciousness from fading.
His hands fumble at my pelvis before he removes my jeans and underwear completely. I vaguely feel a pinch of pain as my body digs into the ground beneath me, pieces of glass piercing the delicate surface of my skin as Arlo’s form settles over me once more. The bare skin of his hips and legs touches mine as the sound of him spitting reaches my ears.