Page 74 of A Villain’s Lies
“Are you cheating on me?”
Stopping, I look back over my shoulder. Avani’s lights are off in her apartment. Is she watching me, or has she gone to bed?
“No, why?”
“I’ve been tracking you, and the last few nights, you keep going to the same address,” she states.
“You’ve been what?” I ask. Well fuck! Maybe she’s a sneaky bitch like her father, after all.
“Yes, Grayson, it’s an app. I track people and you are on it.”
“Why? Actually, never mind, don’t answer that.”
“I’m planning a surprise for you, but clearly, you are fucking it all up for me by tracking me,” I tell her as I reach my car. When I pull the car door open and get in, I bring up the apps on my phone and find a purple one I know I never installed. Disabling it, I sit back.
“I didn’t mean to. I was just…” Charlotte tries to backtrack but trails off.
“Charlotte, this might not work if you go behind my back and track me. If you want to know where I am, you call. Use your brain.” I hang up, and she calls right back but I let it ring a few times before I answer.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Daddy just said not to trust you, and well—” Her voice is breathless from panic.
“You don’t have to listen to everything your father says, Charlotte. You are a grown-ass woman.”
“I know, I know… He never has liked any of the men I’ve dated. You’re the first he doesn’t hate.”
“I have to go, Charlotte.”
“Don’t be mad, okay?” she says softly.
“Don’t be a sneaky bitch, then.”
She sucks in a breath at my words. “I won’t, I promise.” She pauses, taking an audible breath. “Can I see you tonight?”
“No, Charlotte, you know our rule.”
“It’s a silly rule…I want to.”
“When we are married,” I remind her.
“But I want to have sex with you now, Grayson,” she whines.
A shiver takes over my body, and it’s not a good one. The only person I want to fuck is currently in her little house, forming a plan to avoid me again.
Why is it that Avani turns me on so much?
And why is it that I want her as badly as I want my next breath?
When I don’t answer, Charlotte says, “You better marry me soon,” then she hangs up.