Page 75 of A Villain’s Lies
Knock, knock, who’s there?
Someone is banging on my door. So help me, God, if it’s him again, I will slice that wonderful cock from his body and then feed it to him.
Pulling on a shirt, I shuffle to the door, knife in hand, and pull it open.
But it’s not him standing there to greet me.
No, it’s his girlfriend.
Or maybe it’s his soon-to-be fiancée.
Fuck if I know.
Her eyes flick to the knife in my hand before they focus on my face. “You,” she says, shocked.
“Sorry, me?” I ask, confused.
“I get it now. I get what he is up to.” I stand there, unsure of what to say. Am I meant to know what she is talking about? “I’ve been tracking Grayson, and he’s been to this address a few times. And now I get why.” Her long blonde hair flicks behind her as she stands in front of me in a Chanel dress and sky-high, red-soled heels. In contrast, I’m dressed in an old T-shirt and no pants. My hair is messy because I haven’t brushed it, and I couldn’t care less.
“Why?” I ask, indulging her.
“Could you put that knife away? It’s making me uneasy.”
I place the knife on the small table nearby and step back into the doorway where she is standing.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“As I was saying… You run that dress store, and you know my size. He’s probably picking out the perfect dress for me to wear.”
“Yeah…” Is she delusional?
“So, now that I know, can you show it to me? I want the perfect one, and let’s be honest, Grayson has impeccable taste, but mine is better. Can you show it to me?” she asks, leaning in and looking inside my small apartment.
“Yeah, that’s not going to work,” I tell her.
“Why? He was here last night. Surely the dress is here?”
Oh, so she really was tracking him, then.
I wonder if he knows this tidbit of information.
“It’s back at the store.” I smile at her. “But it’s under lock and key, and you can’t see it. Strict instructions,” I lie.
“Oh, okay. Well, any hint on the color so I can buy the right shoes?”
“Yellow.” I throw it out there, and her nose crinkles, but she nods her head.
“Thank you.” She turns without another word and walks back to her car. Just before her driver takes off, I see she is on her phone.
I bet she’s off to buy shoes to match the nonexistent dress.
I wonder if Grayson ever mentioned me to her.