Page 28 of All Roads Lead Home
No one said anything because it was apparent that she was hurting, and I felt guilty in my part of it all. She missed her sister. Everyone here missed Jess, and it killed them that they didn’t know where she was.
My only consolation was that I knew she was safe, and that she would eventually return. With secrets and all, but that aftermath would be dealt with eventually.
“Jules, what do you think of your future sister-in-law?” I winked at Ori, and the blush stains in her cheeks were a lovely plum color.
Juliet smiled at her, but before she could speak, Blake beat her to it.
“Why didn’t we date in high school?” he questioned Oriana.
I had never wanted to strangle my little brother more than I did at this moment. I heard a chuckle across the room, and sure enough, it was Jake.
“Sucks, doesn’t it?” he taunted, and Juliet playfully reached to punch his arm.
Oriana, on the other hand, looked like she wanted to bolt. It seemed like family dinners at the Carson house did that to people.
“I skipped two grades, so people tended to stay away from me.”
“Oh, yes, now I remember. We used to call you ‘jailbait.’”
“Blakey!” Ma shouted. “I’m so sorry, Oreo. Seems like my kids have no manners.”
“I’m a man, Ma,” I happily added.
My dad snorted. “I remember the three of you running around naked on a particularly hot day. I’m sure Blake took off his diaper and peed himself while he ran after your two.”
“Fuck, Dad!” Blake groaned as everyone laughed. “Way to make me look bad.”
Oriana was laughing so hard as she hugged Lucas closer to her.
“Raising boys is a league of its own, isn’t it?” she asked my mom.
“Girl, you have no idea.” Juliet grimaced, looking down at her son.
“Is his dad in the picture?” Blake asked before grabbing a spoonful of food.
My parents glared at him, and everyone looked a bit uncomfortable, including Oriana.
“No, he’s not. He decided he wasn’t ready to be a dad,” she said while holding her hands over Lucas’s ears, even though the little boy wasn’t paying attention.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, honey,” Ma told her with sincerity.
“Lucas isn’t her kid, Ma. He’s Beth’s.”
Everyone’s demeanor changed, but Ori seemed furious, and she was looking right at me. I felt like a dick when she pulled her chair back and began to thank my mother.
“Thanks for dinner, Cynthia. If you’ll excuse us, we have to go home.”
Fuck, she was pissed, and I couldn’t help but notice that she looked even more beautiful.
“Oriana,” I told her, getting up as well.
She pointed a finger toward me. “You are done interfering with my life. I can’t believe you went to my job!”
“Ma, watch Lucas,” I said.
I went around the table, took hold of Ori’s hand, and led her out to the backyard, going to the opposite side of the greenhouse so no one would hear what I had to say. When we stopped, sure enough, Oriana was fuming.
“I can’t believe you did that!”