Page 29 of All Roads Lead Home
“You wanted to go at it with my family watching?”
She gritted her teeth, because she knew I had a point. The energy had changed, at least for me. Oriana looked beautiful as she glared at me. Not being able to stand it anymore, I took a step forward, and she seemed to hold her breath. Slowly, I removed her glasses.
“What are you—”
She stopped talking the moment I cupped her cheeks. Her face was softer than it looked. Her intake of breath was sharp as my face got closer. The moment our lips touched, I knew it wasn’t just all in my head. Or because she was someone who was familiar or seemed to worship me in the past. Chemistry was a funny thing, and maybe timing was as well. Because this kiss felt like a bolt of electricity bringing me back to life.
“What did you do that for?” she shrieked as I pulled back and then put her glasses back.
“You feel it too, don’t you, Ori?” I smirked as she huffed.
She pushed me away. “I’m like a little sister. Don’t confuse your feelings now.”
I smiled as she walked away. For now, I got that she needed the space. So maybe there was more than met the eye with her nephew based on the way she went all mama bear on me. She was still coming to terms with what had happened in the past.
But one thing I could always bet on was working hard for the things I wanted, and this was no different.
Sixteen yearsold
The house was incredibly lonely. Mom was always at work or in her room looking sad. Bethany had skipped town a few boyfriends ago and never came back. Not that I blamed her. This town didn’t seem to do well for us Vails.
Before she left for good, she seemed somewhat miserable. I never did figure out why. Not that we were close, but at least she was someone I had to talk to, even if half the time, she insulted me for liking the “ugly” brother.
I used to resent her for being closer in age to Clark than I was. Actually, there was a lot of things I resented my sister for. She was older, prettier, her body was more feminine than mine, and she was sexy and confident. All the things I would never be.
Maybe it was a good thing we weren’t close in age, because I thought it might kill me if I saw Clark look at her the way the other guys did. Then again, after things with her and Russell ended badly, that group of friends wanted nothing to do with Beth.
I looked in the mirror one more time. My hair was long and silky. It was too much work to maintain, but I had once seen Clark with a girl, and he kept playing with her glossy hair, and I had never been more envious. I looked at the clock, and I knew if I timed this right, we would be getting out at the same time.
The weather was nice enough that I was glad I could wear my new dress. It was springy, and it made me feel pretty. Without looking at his house, I began to make my way down the street toward the high school. It sucked that this town wasn’t big enough for a bus. The walk wasn’t too bad, but on rainy and cold days, it sucked. Mom started work early at the factory, so she couldn’t take me, and…well, Beth was no longer an option.
Right on cue, a car stopped next to me. Except this time, there wasn’t an annoying brother in the passenger seat.
“Need a ride?” Clark smiled at me.
My heart sped up and my hands got clammy, but I kept my cool. If there was one thing I had learned from my sister, it was that acting childish got you nowhere.
“Where’s Jake?” I asked, looking at the backseat.
“He’s got a bug,” Clark informed me.
I swear God must have loved me, because this was the best birthday present ever.
“I’ll give you a ride to school.” He motioned for me to get in the car, and it took everything to stop me from squealing.
The ride was mostly silent as I basked in the moment, not wanting to say anything that made me look like a child. I was older now. Almost out of high school. Things were going to be different. I peeked at Clark and noticed that he seemed broader than the last time I had seen him. The police academy had done him good. It was subtle changes in him that I didn’t think most noticed, but he seemed a bit more grounded, confident, and all-around happier.
“You look cute today,” he told me as the school neared. “It sucks that Blake’s sick.”
It didn’t suck for me, but I didn’t comment.
“Today’s my birthday,” I said shyly as he got to the drop-off point.
“Happy birthday, Oreo.” Clark gave me a one-sided hug, and I think I just about died from the contact.
I wondered if he thought I looked different. My face wasn’t as round anymore, and I was starting to feel older and wiser, but that was more to do with the fact that I was finishing high school sooner than kids my age. But then again, age was nothing but a number, right?