Page 23 of Fierce-Jonah
“Do it again,” he said. “Same move. Let me see it from both of you. I’ll let you know what you both need to do.”
He watched them moving around the ring, jumping in and showing them what he’d do, then let them go again and watched more blocking than landing. In his eyes that was better. They both needed to know how to protect themselves before they could figure out how to land something.
“Good,” he said fifteen minutes later. “You guys want to go one more round and just free for all and see how it goes? Nothing serious, no injuries. Just go through the motions.”
Phil looked at Bill, who nodded his head and he rang the bell for a five-minute round. All rounds were five minutes, and depending on the fight it could be three to five rounds in a night. These guys had been training for hours and were beat, but it was not the same exertion as an actual fight.
He moved around the outside of the ring, giving instructions for them, telling them each what to do and switching it off when the five minutes were up. Then he jumped in the ring and told them both what they needed to work on.
The guys left for the showers and he moved up front to see if Megan was here.
She was. She had shorts and a baggy T-shirt on and he was thrilled she was covered up.
“Hey,” she said. “Got my paperwork all filled in and I’m ready for you to work me out.”
He laughed at the grin on her face. “Remember you said that.”
Though he’d go easy on her. The same as he would anyone else their first night. She’d still feel it tomorrow, but he didn’t want her to get hurt either.
He grabbed his tablet from behind the counter and pulled her name up. “Are you checking me out?”
He turned and grinned at her. “I need to see if you’ve got any injuries and what your exercise routine is. No reason to push you too hard or go too light on you.”
“Aren’t you just efficient?”
“Just doing my job,” he said.
“I told you I do yoga and Pilates. You felt my bicep.”
Stephanie that was manning the desk looked up and smirked at him. She’d been part time here for years. She was a gym rat and took the job to get the free membership and work out when she wanted. He didn’t have to pay his part-timers that much and it worked out in the end. This was just a lifestyle for a lot of people, not a means of income.
“I did,” he said. “Now you have to decide how much you want to build it.”
She frowned. “I don’t want to look like that dude out there.”
He turned and snorted. “Not many do.”
Kyle was one of his regulars and spent hours here a night, pretty much seven days a week lifting. He wouldn’t be surprised if Kyle was taking supplements that he wouldn’t recommend, but the guy was all about being as jacked and ripped as possible.
“It’s quiet here tonight,” she said.
“I figured you’d appreciate that. Not many are here an hour before closing.”
“This works better than me sitting on the couch with a bag of potato chips.”
He did feel bad about that. She’d be getting up to go in an office tomorrow and he’d come in around nine. Scott opened for him during the week at five. He never came in that early unless he had a private session. It happened but not often.
“Your butt might thank me then,” he said.
She laughed at him and they walked to the end of the gym where he’d stretch her out first on the mat.
“Do you think I’ve got a big butt?” she asked, pushing her shorts off and pulling her T-shirt over her head.
Fuck. She had on tiny boy short-type athletic wear with a crop top. This time he got to see the muscles in her abs, her thighs and her back. Last time her clothes were fitted, but she was more covered up. This time she was testing him and he knew it.
“Some men like a little padding there,” he said.
She turned and looked over her shoulder at him. “There is plenty of padding on my body. I think I’ve got a nice mixture of curves and muscle. I’m not looking to bulk up but maybe refine some of what I’ve got.”