Page 24 of Fierce-Jonah
She had one hell of a body on her. One he’d love to look at more. “You don’t need much work. But it’s about how you feel and what you want.”
“I’m trying to figure out what I really want,” she said.
He knew a double meaning when he heard it.
“Let’s stretch you out before we start lifting. We’re going to do an overall workout today. Legs, back, arms, abs. A general idea of what can be done in forty minutes or so. We’ll stretch you out five minutes before and ten minutes after.”
“No cardio?” she asked.
“That isn’t what I do. I can. But most want this one-on-one and do their cardio before or after they meet with me. You know what you’re doing there.”
“I do,” she said.
When they were done stretching, he brought her over to a bench to sit on. “Move to the end, put the tops of your feet under that bar and I’m going to set the weight at ten pounds.”
He went back while she watched how he did it. “Lift your legs up slowly. Not fast, no jerky motions either.”
“This is light,” she said. “I could do more than this.”
“You could, but it’s the first of many things we are going to do. And we are going to do three sets of ten. People who want to build muscle do less reps and higher weights. You don’t want that.”
“No,” she said, lifting her legs at a nice pace. She had a lot of muscle already, just the right amount in his eyes.
“How does that feel?” he asked after her first set of ten.
“Fine. I could do this all night.”
“Another night when I’m not training you,” he said.
They finished that machine and moved on to do her hamstrings and he had her lie on her stomach, put her Achilles behind the bar and set the weight for ten again.
After her first set of ten, she asked, “How do I look?”
He’d been trying not to stare at her ass, but he couldn’t help it, as it was right there front and center for him while she worked on her hamstrings and it wasn’t like she was covered much at all.
“What?” he asked.
“My form,” she said. “How does it look? I feel like I want to arch my back and I’m forcing it down. Is that normal?”
“Let me lower the weights some.”
“Really?” she asked almost whining. “It’s not heavy.”
“Not for your legs, but maybe for your back. You aren’t supposed to arch your back and if you are feeling like you need to, then we have to work with your body as a whole.”
He dropped her down a little, made sure she had the right form and then moved on to more machines one at a time.
They’d finished her leg workout, went through her arms, did some on her back where he realized she seemed to be the weakest. That surprised him, but he supposed it made sense with the type of exercise she was used to.
“I feel pretty good,” she said. “I mean I can feel it in my muscles, but I’m not tense or anything like I thought I’d be. I could have easily increased the weights more.”
“It’s more important to keep the proper form while you’re learning. Let’s work on your abs. I think your abs are strong but not your back. Opposing muscles help the other. If you strengthen your back more, your abs will be stronger than I’m guessing they already are.”
“I can do a plank for hours,” she said. “Those are great for your abs.”
“They are,” he said. “Maybe we should have a showdown.”
“Do you do yoga?” she asked him.