Page 28 of Fierce-Jonah
“I’ll take it into consideration,” she said, grinning.
Jade left and she went back to work, went to her meeting an hour later and when she was leaving all but ran into Grant coming out of another room.
“Sorry about that, Megan.”
“No problem,” she said. “You seemed like you’re in a hurry and I’m moving kind of slow.”
“Everything okay?” Grant asked.
She looked around and didn’t see anyone. “Yeah. Just trying to work my way around a bull that can’t decide on his path.”
Grant laughed. She knew he’d understand. “Well now, that could be tricky.”
She was going to do what Jade said. Why not? She had nothing to lose. “It might be better if I had some help. Maybe some advice?”
Grant stopped and stared at her. “Are you asking for our help with this particular bull?”
“I think I am,” she said. “It’s tricky like you said.”
“Follow me,” Grant said. “Let’s hunt down Garrett.”
She followed him as best as she could without wincing since his much longer stride was hard to keep up with in her current condition.
They got to Garrett’s office and Grant just walked in so she followed. Grant shut the door. “Sorry to bother you.”
“No bother,” Garrett said. “What is going on?”
“She wants our help with Jonah,” Grant said. “Sorry. With a bull.”
“You can say his name,” she said. “Just maybe not around Raina. Not yet.”
“Ahhh,” Grant said. “Now I get it. Okay. Tell us what is going on so far if you don’t mind.”
She debated all of a few seconds and decided some things were better left out. Like the way Jonah made her feel or the looks between them. She settled on the facts and told them everything between the drive home after the wedding, the day she went to the gym and then last night. Basics only.
“So you did listen to me,” Garrett said. “Last week when you went to seek him out?”
“I did,” she said. “Which is why I’m here again.”
“Okay,” Grant said. “Can we think on this a little? We might have to bring our wives in too.”
“That’s fine,” she said. “I’m not in a rush. Can’t barely move either.”
“Until we get back to you, if he makes contact, or you do, put it out there to see him again. Don’t let him off the hook. I get the feeling he might need a push.”
“I’m starting to think that too. I’m glad to hear someone else say it though.”
She left their office a few minutes later and went back to work. It wasn’t even ten minutes before her phone went off with a text. She picked it up and read:How are you feeling today? Jonah.
Wow, he didn’t take long to get in touch with her. He must have gotten her number from the information she filled out last night. No way he’d ask someone for it.
She started to type:It hurts to breathe.
No, delete, delete, delete. Then she typed:I almost fell trying to stand up from the toilet this morning.
Definitely too much information and erased that.My toenails hurt when I walk. Is that normal?
Too dramatic. She erased that.