Page 29 of Fierce-Jonah
What the heck? She didn’t like to lie but didn’t want to sound like a wuss either.
I’ve had better days.There, that didn’t sound so bad. She hit send.
Hear Your Voice
Jonah had debated all morning about reaching out to Megan but then told himself he did want to see how she was doing. He didn’t think he worked her hard yesterday, but it was normal for him to check in the next day. He could play it off as that.
He’d sat there watching the bubbles on the screen, then them disappearing and coming back a few times. Like she couldn’t figure out what to say to him.
Finally the message popped up that she’d had better days. That was about right and made him feel good.
It happens with different muscle movements.He didn’t want to sound like a dud, but he was still doing his job, so he hit send.
There were more bubbles and then them disappearing. This was odd. She was normally pretty fast with a response in person.
The next thing he knew, his phone rang in his hand. He’d rather talk to her anyway and answered.
“Don’t you like to text?” he asked when he answered.
“I love it. But in this case I’m not sure what to say and I always know what to say. I’d rather hear your voice.”
“So you’ll know if I take something as a joke or not?” he asked, grinning.
“Exactly,” she said, letting out a laugh. One that was sending all sorts of heat to his dick and making him wonder how long they were going to play this game they had going on.
He could appreciate the honesty more than anything. It was one of those things he didn’t think he got from women in his past.
He tried to tell himself to put Molly behind him, but at times when his body was screaming at him, it was hard to forget what he’d done for what he thought was love.
“It wasn’t that horrible being in a gym then?” he asked.
“Oh, there were some bright spots,” she said.
He could hear the humor in her voice.
“Glad I could provide that for you. Just be aware that two days after is when people normally feel the worst. Don’t panic tomorrow.”
There was a loud groan. “No. Absolutely not. You’re joking, right?”
He laughed. “I didn’t get the impression you were doing that bad.”
“Do you want to get dinner together or not?” she asked suddenly.
“I’m not doing that again to feel you out. I can’t. My hair follicles hurt when I laugh. Are you telling me that is normal? I can assure you it’s not.”
He laughed again. She was serious. Probably about the dinner too, but he wanted to address her body first. Well, he’d like to address her body in a lot of ways but should take care of things from a professional standpoint first.
“It’s normal to feel sore after. Even when you’re in good shape. Are you really that sore?” he asked. He was trying not to feel like shit. He didn’t go light on her, but he didn’t push her either. He treated her the same as he would any other person in her physical condition that came in.
“You don’t want to know some of the things that hurt this morning. It is getting better, but that is because I’ve taken Motrin. I took a super hot long shower after I got home and it felt so good and then bam, this morning it was like everything locked up on me while I slept.”
“Ah,” he said. “A cold shower is what you should have done. I didn’t think to say anything to you and should have.”
“A cold shower?” she asked. “You’re yanking my chain.”