Page 84 of Fierce-Jonah
Sarah frowned. “I haven’t gotten on the scale. I don’t want to know. My clothes do fit better and that is more important to me.”
Megan loved that her sisters were so eager to join in the one thing in her life that she always enjoyed doing. Not that she spent much time in a gym before Jonah, but she did love to exercise.
“That is great,” she said to both of them. “I’m happy for you. I’m glad you decided to do this and stuck it out too.”
“I had Abby in my ear,” Emily said. “She said there is no reason I can’t be as hot as Aunt Megan.”
“If that isn’t sweet, I don’t know what is,” she said.
“Sure,” Emily said, pumping her legs faster on the stationary bike. It was early Saturday morning and not many were here yet. She found on Saturdays it was slow this time for anyone in their twenties.
Of course she fit into that category, but it was different for her.
Jonah was in the back training someone and he’d come out to say hi to them once, but otherwise they went about their business.
She laughed at Emily as the sweat was pouring down her temples. “I’m proud of you both for sticking it out this long. I know it’s not easy to find the time between work and the kids and the house.”
“Bill is great,” Sarah said. “He’s so encouraging. I didn’t tell you. He came here one day last week early and Jonah was working out. Bill said he almost turned around and left he was so embarrassed.”
She smiled. “What was he embarrassed about?”
“Really? You get to see Jonah in all his Greek godlike body. What do you think Bill was jealous of? It’s no different than how I feel next to you right now, so I get it. But I remember I used to change your messy diapers so that reminds me that it’s okay to continue on.”
Emily snorted. “Some of us don’t have that support at home.”
“What is Tom’s problem?” Megan asked.
She’d always stayed out of her sisters’ lives, but here they were joining her at the gym three times a week and she’d found out they’d come together without her two more times a week if they could too. They always stuck their noses in her business and she was going to do the same darn thing.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Emily said. The tension increased on the bike and her sister was almost standing at this point and puffing out a breath to keep it going. Emily was working hard.
“She means that Tom has a permanent stick up his ass,” Sarah said. “He’s always had one. I’m not sure how you put up with it.”
“Your husband bends over and kisses your ass and has no balls,” Emily said to Sarah.
Oh boy. She hadn’t seen these two go at it like this in a long time. “At least Bill is supportive of me. He’s willing to do things with me and try. And he has some nice balls, thank you very much. He shows them when he needs to.”
She just about spit out of her mouth when Sarah said that. “Whatever,” Emily said, sitting down now that the tension on her program lightened up.
“That is always your answer when something is going on,” Sarah said. “What is going on?”
“Yeah,” Megan said. “Everyone can see the tension between the two of you and I don’t see you that much.”
“I don’t know,” Emily said. “It’s always been this way with us.”
“Really?” she asked. “Why put up with it?”
“Because we love each other,” Emily said. “That is what you do when you love each other.”
“No, it’s not,” she said. “You don’t seem all that happy half the time. That isn’t love.”
“It’s easy for you to say,” Emily said. “You’ve always danced to your own tune. You can get away with anything. When a guy doesn’t suit you, you just move on.”
She wasn’t sure why this turned to her. “Why would I stay with someone that I wasn’t happy with or didn’t make me happy? I’m not out to find a guy that Mom and Dad think is great for me.”
“That’s right,” Sarah said. “You do what works for you. Bill works for me even if Emily thinks he’s a wuss. She is the one who gave Tom more chances than I would have because Mom and Dad adored him. I think he’s too much like Dad if you ask me.”
“I don’t think Tom is anything like Dad,” Megan argued.