Page 85 of Fierce-Jonah
“Emily thought so,” Sarah said. “I told her she was nuts, but she was all about sucking up to Dad for years.”
“You were the youngest and the golden child back then,” Emily said. “Until Megan came along.”
This was all news to her. “Don’t tell me I was the golden child because we know for sure that isn’t the case.”
“No,” Sarah said. “I think you would have been if you didn’t always rebel so much. Part of me wishes I did too, but I’m not upset with my life. I think I’ve got a good life. Maybe boring in your eyes, but it’s good.”
“No one said my life isn’t good,” Emily said.
Emily did tend to get the most defensive. “I don’t think Sarah said that. We just asked what was going on with Tom. He seems more negative than normal is all. To you in front of us. I can’t remember him doing that before and I think I’d be hurt if my spouse did that.”
She knew beyond a doubt she would be. “Tom is just stressed at work. Then Abby is a handful. She’s a lot like you,” Emily said, looking at her.
“Which we know Tom can’t stand,” she said, grinning. “Sorry.”
“Tom wouldn’t have that bad of an opinion of you if Mom and Dad and Emily didn’t always talk shit about you to him,” Sarah said.
“Sure, make me feel like crap again,” Megan said, turning the speed up on the treadmill. This was not turning out how she wanted it to. Here she was trying to be supportive to her sister and it was going to fall back on her for being the crappy kid.
“That wasn’t what I wanted to do,” Sarah said. “I was pointing out how narrow minded Tom is and that it’s a product of what Emily did. Bill likes you, Megan. He thinks you’re funny and a free spirit. He loves you even more for encouraging me to get my butt in gear.”
“Thank you, Sarah. That’s nice to hear. Meanwhile Tom probably hates me more because Emily is here and not home doing stuff with him.”
Emily snorted. “He’s not happy I’m spending time here, but I told him to shove it this morning. I’ll have to deal with that when I get home.”
“And that is love for you,” Sarah said, laughing. “We’ll let Emily off the hook. She has to deal with her marriage her way. It’s her choice. Tell us more about you and Jonah.”
Sarah was right. She didn’t want to get worked up about her sister’s marriage. It wasn’t her life and she never cared all that much for Tom either. She did like Bill more and had thought he was a wuss too, but she wasn’t married to him.
“Not much to say. We’ve been dating for a few months now and things are going well. We’re going out tonight with Cody and Raina. Just dinner and bowling. Something fun. We haven’t done much because Jonah is working, but he’s getting out at three today.”
“Which I think is great he is making that effort,” Emily said. “See, I can be nice. Maybe I’m just jealous that your boyfriend is doing that for you, but it is a new relationship.”
“It is,” she said. “But I know he has a lot of responsibility here. I know he wants to expand. I enjoy coming here and it’s a compromise. Sometimes this is how I get to see him.”
“That doesn’t bother you?” Sarah asked.
“No. I’m sure it bothers Mom, doesn’t it?” She shouldn’t care but part of her wanted to know.
“She’s made some comments about it,” Sarah said.
“More than a few,” Emily said. “You know it. She thinks Jonah puts his business over you.”
“I don’t think he does,” she said. “And that is all that matters. If we are happy and it’s working for us, why does everyone else care?”
“I wish I had more of that attitude in life,” Sarah said. “I think I’ve got it now. Maybe Emily should get it.”
“I’ve got it,” Emily said. “Which is why I told my husband to shove it this morning before I walked out the door.”
“And you’ll have to pay the price for that,” Sarah said.
“Whatever,” Emily said. She knew it was time to just change the topic completely. She didn’t need the headache nor did she want it.
“I think you are both doing so well with your exercise and you look great. And I’m happy we get to spend this time together each week too.”
Sarah smiled at her. “I love how I feel. I hope the scale is moving more, but Bill and I both have more energy and feel good. I think at some point, we’d like to come together, but right now it’s too hard with the kids’ schedules. I was so jealous over your body, Megan, but now I’m getting excited that I might be able to give you some competition.”
“No reason to be jealous of me,” she said. “As you’ve both said plenty enough times, I haven’t had kids.”