Page 39 of Bought By Three Men
Grr.I tossed the letter. That was an apology letter? It was worse than the first. Demanding I make other arrangements! Who did he think he was? Mr. Gould had no right to just send for me when he pleased. I didn’t know him, and already I didn’t like him.
I opened the drawer in the nightstand and grabbed the paper and a pen. He wasn’t the only one who could send letters. I would let him know where he could shove his demands.
My heart sank. I froze. In the nightstand next to the previous death threat was a brand new one. Blood was spread along this one as well. Three words were scribbled on it.
Leave or Die.
He snuck in again. Brad had managed to get in and out of the mansion twice undetected. Ethan said I was safe. I would never be safe from Brad. If he could easily get in my room, he could kill me in my sleep.
What was I gonna do? There had to be some type of security system, like a deadbolt or six armed men outside my door. Like it or not, I was going to have to tell Ethan. There had to be something he could do.
Leaving the letter in the drawer, no way was I getting blood on my hands, I went in search of Ethan. I slammed right into someone. Ouch.
“Ava! I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Dottie wrapped her arms around me.
“Dottie, hi. I’m fine.” I squeezed her back. Things had been so crazy the past two days I hadn’t even spent any time with her.
“I just wanted to check on you. See how you are adjusting to this.” Dottie was always the mother.
“Shouldn’t I be checking on you? I dragged you into this.” Fuck. I was a terrible sister for not checking on her.
“Yeah, dragged us all to this mansion. It’s terrible. Ha. Joseph is just the sweetest boy. They have cooks and fresh sheets for the bed. I never slept so well.” She waved away the thoughts. “This isn’t about me. You are the one that agreed to marry three men. How are they?”
Something changed in Dottie. She had a happiness about her I had never seen before. It was like someone took her worry from her. “How’s mom?” She had to be better, or Dottie would still be anxiously by her side.
“Amazing. Tristan provided around-the-clock nurses for her. She will be properly medicated and taken care of.” Dottie linked her arm in mine and started walking.
“Oh, I can’t see her now. Um… I have somewhere to be.” As much as I wanted to see her, I had to deal with Brad and his letters.
“That’s okay. She will be ready when you are.” It’s like she knew part of me was nervous about seeing her, afraid the move was too much for her to handle.
“Before you rush off, tell me about these boys. Give me something.” Dottie pulled on my arm.
“The quick notes. Tristan is very nice and stand-off-ish. Adam sends me letters. I haven’t actually met him yet, not that I want to.” I sighed. “Then there’s Ethan. He is wonderful, but I can’t tell if it’s an act. Like, why is someone like him into someone like me.”
“Not everyone is Brad.” She pulled me in for a hug. “Oh, and I love the new wig.”
“It’s not a wig. Ethan took me to get it done. Do you like it?” I twirled a little.
“It’s very you. I love it.” She fluffed my hair.
I gave her a hug and turned to leave. Two steps down the hall, and I turned back to her. “How’s Felix and Sandy adjusting?”
“They have four walls and a bed for the first time ever. It’ll be a while before they come out. Just don’t walk by their door. It’s the most I've ever heard Sandy talk. All dirty, dirty things.” Dottie shook her head and smiled.
“Good for them. I’ll be by tomorrow to see mom.” I turned and left.
I wanted to warn her to keep an eye out for Brad. He was getting in and out somehow. The chances of him hurting Dottie or anyone else were pretty slim. It was me he wanted. If the letters persisted, I would tell her.
Hopefully, Ethan could do something about it. Yeah, I should fight my own battles, and in normal circumstances, I would. I couldn’t win when it came to Brad. He was stronger, smarter, and more cunning than me. He had a cruel, evil streak about him.
Shit, I couldn’t drag Ethan into this. I got myself into this situation. As much as I wanted to pass my problems off, I couldn’t. There had to be a way to deal with Brad. I needed a plan.
Steps before I got to Ethan’s bedroom, I stopped. This was my battle. I had to keep telling myself that so I didn’t run to Ethan. Maybe this was another bad decision, or maybe telling him was. Either way, I was sure I would make the wrong choice.
“Peach?” Ethan asked from behind me.
I jumped.