Page 40 of Bought By Three Men
“You okay?” He turned me to face him.
No, my ex is sending me threatening letters, and I’m afraid he is gonna find me and kill me.“Yeah, just hungry.” I shrugged.
“Let’s go out to eat.” He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me.
Tell him. Tell him.“Like a restaurant?” I tried to smile.
“Oh, yes. Exactly like that.” He kissed my forehead. “You sure you’re okay?”
No, I’m not.“Yeah, I just don’t own anything fancy enough to wear.”
“You do in your closet.” He winked.
I scrunched up my face.
“Haven’t you looked in there?” he asked.
“No.” Since the second I got here, I had been too busy to really even check out my room.
“Go look.” He turned me around and slapped my ass. “Be ready in thirty minutes. It’s getting late.”
I ran to my room. The closet had everything. Shoes, dresses, tops, handbags, I mean everything. I walked, yes walked, into the closet. There was an array of colors, but pink dominated. I died. There was no other explanation. This couldn’t be real.
Not only was there every article imaginable, but it was also organized. Shoes and handbags were at the back. Dresses and skirts to the right. Tops, pants, and jackets to the left. I started shifting through them. Thirty minutes was not enough time.
If something were too big or small, I would have to take it to Dottie for alterations. She was a wiz with a computer and a needle. She tried teaching me how to sew once. I just kept stabbing myself. It wasn’t fun.
A bright pink dress caught my eye. The light hit the dress, and it shimmered. I pulled it off the rack and held it up to me. It was low cut with a slit up the side.Please fit.
Oh, it fit. It was perfect. The dress hugged my curves and accentuated my breasts. I went to the mirror in the bathroom to check it out. My hair blended right into the dress. Other than that, I loved it.
I went through my bags and found some bobby pins. Once my hair was up and in a twisty style, I started on my makeup. I kept looking at myself in the mirror, something was off. Panty lines. The dress was so tight it showed my underwear. I slid them off. Since the tattoo had plastic over it, I wasn’t worried about it rubbing.
Ethan came into the room as I was slipping on my heels. Damn, they accentuated the dress. I turned around, and my mouth dropped. He was in a full tux. He spiked up his hair slightly, it looked perfectly messy. He was so sexy I wanted to straddle him.
“Wow.” He pulled me into him and kissed me.
After a dizzying, amazing kiss, he led me outside. The last thing I expected to see was a bike. Not just a bike, a beautiful, sleek black motorcycle. I looked around for the car. He couldn’t expect me to ride on that.
Ethan got on and tapped the space in front of him. Nope, not happening. He revved the engine. No. He had to be kidding.
“Just slide on here.” He patted the space in front of him.
“No. My dress will ride up.” I crossed my arms.
He winked at me. “I know.”
“It’s dangerous.” It was a bad idea to get on.
“It is, but I have a helmet.” He grabbed a helmet from behind him and handed it to me.
Ugh. Great, I did my hair for nothing. I put the helmet on and clasped it under my chin. I really shouldn’t have gotten on the bike. Did I listen to myself? Nope. I hiked up my dress while trying to keep my pussy covered. Of course, I had to take off my underwear.
As soon as I was straddling the bike, Ethan wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my neck as his hands traveled down my body. He pulled my dress up further, exposing my pussy.
With one hand, he rubbed my clit, with the other, he revved the engine. Fuck. I was soaked. My pussy was throbbing. I was getting the seat wet. He revved the engine again.
“You gonna cum on my motorcycle?” Ethan nibbled my neck.