Page 97 of The Mastermind
Had something happened to him? “I’ll postpone the renovation for now. I’ll call the guys tomorrow. Are you okay? Is there something you’re not telling me?”
“You know enough. Stay safe. Catch you later.” Slash ended the call.
Audri approached me. “Oh my God! Is anyone hurt?” She stared at the fire and smoke.
“What are you doing here?” I gripped her shoulders. “You should go back out to the front where it’s safe.”
“No. I want to stay here with you.” She interlaced her fingers with mine. “I want to make sure you’re safe too.” Her concern took my rage down a notch.
Tonight had gone from being one of the best nights to one of the worst. Audri confessed her love to me, and I didn’t even have time to let the words sink in. The explosion just added a new piece to the massive puzzle I was trying to put together.
How was tonight tied to Mallory, Brian, and Derek? Derek mentioned the murder at the church to his family because he didn’t think they’d connect it to anything, but that murder hadn’t been on the news. Did someone tell him about it? Was he also present that day of the murder? Or was he a member of whatever organization Slash was in?
I needed to sit down and review everything, but first, I had to speak to the police.
The chaosfrom last week had kept Remi busy trying to repair the damages to the docking station of Starke Vision. He’d been stressed, and I didn’t want to interrupt him about tomorrow’s fashion show in Boston, which featured my jewelry collection.
I had already shipped my jewelry pieces in advance so the designers could organize their ensembles. I couldn’t delay the interruption any longer. Carrying the charcoal suit I had chosen for him to wear, I approached his office.
“I will fucking tear you to pieces, Brian. Don’t pull your blackmailing shit on me again.”
Stopping in my tracks outside the office, I listened in on their conversation. I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t help it. Thinking about how Brian and his mom had treated Remi made me angry.
I didn’t know what Brian had said, but Remi replied, “Meet me down at the corner of Denton Street in ten minutes. This is your only chance.”
I probably shouldn’t have followed Remi, but curiosity got the best of me, and I didn’ttrust Brian. What if he hurt Remi?
Remi exited the hotel through the back door and turned down an alley. I kept my distance and stayed against the brick wall.
“You have two minutes, Brian. Sell your case, or I’ll call the police and report you for blackmail.”
“We’re family Remi. Don’t be so cold. I won’t waste your time. Do you recognize this woman?”
A woman? Brian couldn’t be referring to me, or he would have used my name. I was dying to know who it was, even as nerves stirred in my stomach.
“What about her?” Remi asked, revealing nothing with his casual tone.
“Does Audri know you’re spending time with this woman? Want me to show it to her? What do you think she’ll do?”
My chest tightened as the cracks in my heart expanded, the pieces falling at my feet. I didn’t realize extreme pain could make my entire body numb. For a moment, I felt like I stepped outside of myself, where my emotions and physical body detached. Was that possible? It sure felt like it.
Who was this woman?
“Show her all you want. I have no worries.”
“Audri knows you’re with other women, and she’sokaywith that?”
“She knows I like variety. She knows I can’t attach to one person. Are you here to blackmail me with that useless photo? You can show it to her. I don’t give a damn. You’re not getting a dime from me. Who gave you that photo?”
I half-heard the rest of the conversation. Life drained from my heart, and my body wobbled. I should leave, but my feet couldn’t move.
Brian let out a series of curses. “He’s always trying to screw me!”
“Who?” Remi asked.