Page 96 of The Mastermind
“Of course, you could have.”
“Maybe, but having you with me—believingin me—made all the difference.”
He pulled me against his chest, running his hand down my hair. I heard the pounding of his heart, but not the words I wanted to hear him say back to me.
It was okay, though. My confession had shocked him. Despite what he may feel for me, I had to let him know how I felt. If not now, then when? I couldn’t hold it inside me any longer.
Maybe he didn’t love me the way I loved him, but he cared for me the way no other man had. Maybe he didn’t even know what love was. I didn’t want to pressure him to say something he didn’t understand. I’d wait for the day he understood his heart. For now, I just wanted to be there for him. Loneliness had clouded his life. He grew up lacking love, and I wanted to show him all the colors and brightness available to him. He deserved it and more.
After wandering around for a few more minutes, my feet started hurting, so we headed toward Starke Vision to take advantage of the balcony in his office. I had never seen WaterFire from above, so this would be a treat.
Then something exploded. The eruption came from somewhere near the garage entrance. Remi whirled me against the wall of the building and covered me with his body. People screamed as bricks crumbled beside us.
He waited for a beat, then examined me. “Are you okay?”
When I nodded, he said, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
“No, where are you going?” An uncomfortable feeling snuck up my spine.
“I need to check on the delivery docks. I’ll be fine. Stay here.” Remi fished out his phone, dialed, and walked toward the explosion.
I roundedthe corner of the building and stopped as a massive fire ballooned on the loading dock. As I spoke to the security manager, an incoming call flashed on my phone, but I didn’t take it.
“Make sure you get all the camera feeds. I want copies before you give them to the officials. I have to go, but keep me posted,” I told security.
I picked up the call from Slash. “You know something I don’t?”
Why did he call me at the very moment a fire was burning at the back of my building?
“You okay, amigo?” Slash asked.
“Fine, but you didn’t answer my question.” I wasn’t in the mood to chitchat. Sirens blasted as two security guards exited to greet the firefighters. “Do you know who did this?”
“I told you. Bad idea to renovate the garage. They want you to stop.”
“Who the fuck is behind this? Do they think they can scare me by blowing up my building? This will make themmytarget.”
“I know you’re mad. I understand but calm down and think.” Slash sighed. “I don’t want trouble for you. I heard the loud boom from my restaurant. You safe?” He sounded genuinely concerned.
“I’m fine.” I walked closer to the scene, which the police had roped off. “Audri was with me. Thankfully, she’s safe.” If a brick had slammed into her, I’d have burned the city down along with whoever was responsible.
Making eye contact with one of the security guards, I nodded to him. From a quick analysis, I didn’t see the EMS carting anyone into the ambulances. Luckily, there wasn’t anyone around the docking area this late in the evening.
“I’m concerned about your safety, amigo. It’s a sign.”
“I can see the fucking sign, Slash. It’s burning before my eyes. What is this about?” His warning echoed in my mind. “Why do they want to stop the renovation?”
He went silent.
“It’s a fucking garage! Are their loads of money hidden inside it somewhere? This obscene act won’t deter me. It’s only pushing me to find out why. Who are they to you? Why do they want to stop me?”
“I don’t know them all. Too much shit going on in the organization now. I’m a small man doing small jobs. Can’t get out, amigo. Some things are stuck until death. I gave you a second chance years ago. I don’t want you hurt.” He sighed, and I could hear the distress in his voice. “Stop fixing the garage.”
No one ever told me I couldn’t do something. When my dad and stepmother told me I would fail, I succeeded. Nothing would stop me from repairing the garage, but I sensed the despair and urgency in Slash’s voice.