Page 14 of His Human Mate
“Shelby,” Emily said, hurrying to her side with a huge hug. It only took her half a second to discover Landon’s scent on her and she blushed slightly at her gasp. “Shelby!”
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Morgan asked and she was glad he was there already. They knew the trainees wouldn’t be able to run all the way back and left vehicles waiting to pick them up not far from their stopping point.
Morgan slid over to them, his eyes widening a hint before Landon’s arms slid around her, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “Well, we weren’t expecting this.”
“Neither was I,” she admitted with a laugh.
“There are going to be a lot of disappointed boys come morning,” Jerimiah said surprising her. “All of the boys coming of age have hoped they’d be the one to be her mate. We’re going to miss her around here.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ashton burst out making her bite her inner lips to stay quiet. “You’re honestly just going to let that asshole take her? He didn’t even have the decency to claim her before he fucked her!”
“Watch it, kid,” Landon growled darkly making her body wake with hunger.
“Ashton, stop it,” she added when Ashton took a step towards them, not liking being called a kid, but compared to him, Ashton really was one still. “Landon didn’t want to claim me in that place. Yes, we got close, took the edge off, but that’s none of your business. He was stuck in that cage for six weeks, you only had two of them, so get over it. He’s my mate and was upset that he could smell everyone else on me rather than just me.”
“What does that mean?” Serena asked glancing amongst them, minus Dan who was long gone with his mate already.
“You didn’t tell them on the plane?” Shelby asked, glancing up at her mate curiously.
“I fell asleep right after you, little mate,” he said, the look in his eyes making her happier.
“Ashton wouldn’t open his mouth to tell them anything either,” Theo said and she nodded in understanding. “Didn’t think it was really my place to explain your family stuff.”
“Why don’t we all go inside?” Emily suggested, her grin their way contagious. She was glad her mom was happy for her, even if it meant her leaving them.
“This is bullshit,” Ashton growled at them.
“Go on, I’ll take him to get something to eat, shower and then rest. He’ll be more himself in the morning, I’m sure,” Theo said, giving Ashton a shove towards the doors.
“Now, Ashton,” Jerimiah ordered when he began to refuse.
He gave in with that, letting her head inside with the others to explain everything.
Chapter 7
Landon tossed and turned in the bed, his body tired, more than ready for sleep but his mind couldn’t stop. He knew his parents would love his mate. Wouldn’t care she was human as long as she loved him in return, and he knew Shelby felt it, just as he did.
Her parents easily accepted them. Her mom was completely thrilled she had a mate, a true mate, even if they wouldn’t be nearly as close by as if she’d found her mate here. He’d picked up easily that her parents and even Jerimiah had hoped she and Ashton would be mates, which on one hand pissed him off because she was his, but on the other, made him like Jerimiah more. The man was eighty something, still without a mate, no children and if anything happened to him, Ashton would become alpha of the pack as the oldest child of the next ranking leader of the pack.
That explained why he had a guard stick with him when he separated from the rest of the pack, something they hopefully would get an answer to in the morning as to why they had. He was glad the kid wasn’t around during their explanation to the others though, made it easier to get through. Neither her parents nor his even batted a lash when Shelby told them that he’d nearly lost it smelling the other male scents on her. They understood even better than his sexy little mate did just how deep the need to claim, to own what belonged to him went.
Her parents even understood their desire to get back to his home and didn’t complain that they wanted to be gone by tomorrow night. Her mom simply gave her a smile, telling her they’d pack anything she couldn’t get done tomorrow and have it sent on, before whispering something not even he could hear that made his mate blush fully, which simply made him want her further.
Now, he was in a guest room alone, trying to keep his ass in it rather than march over to her suite and demand she come with him to his. It was torture not having her next to him and he knew he’d have to give Brian at least two free shots now. One for still upsetting Katya by ignoring her and another for going after him when they found him in bed with her before they were mated.
He tossed and turned some more, the clock rolling past three to four. It was just after midnight when he finally settled into the bed, ready for some decent sleep unlike what they managed in the cage, but without his mate with him, it was going to be impossible.
A soft click pulled him upright, a growl escaping his lips when his eyes lit on his mate. Her curls were soft ringlets cascading over her nearly bare shoulders. Two tiny little strings all that was covering them, and his entire body woke with deep, desperate hunger.
“Come here, little mate,” he said softly, not wanting to wake anyone else.
Shelby slid across the floor, not making a sound before she crawled onto the bed, then over him, making the sleep top she wore bunch along the top of her thighs when she straddled his lap. His hard cock throbbed, wanting to thrust up and claim her hot little pussy. He hadn’t bothered with clothes when he slid into the bed and now, it was pure torture, feeling her naked heat against his hard length.
“You walked around this packhouse with nothing under this sorry excuse for clothing?” he demanded to know, his hand tangling in her curls, pulling her down against his chest with a grunt.
“No,” she said making his hand tighten in her hair, his other ready to spank her sweet ass for lying to him. “I slid my pants and robe off at your door, mister, so you keep that hand to yourself.”
His eyes darted to the now closed door, spying the bundle there with relief. “How did you get in my room; the door was locked.”