Page 50 of Bound
“This isn’t a complication. It’s an opening,” Zevon said. “Jevara has given us a legitimate reason for you to return.”
“If we are willing to use an untrained conduit as bait,” Tov argued, angry that Zevon would even suggest it.
“What about a newly bonded conduit with enough training to quickly become lethal?” Zevon countered. “Nadis told me that Cara’s power has been released and I’m pretty sure you and Merrik are responsible.”
Tension banded Tov’s chest as his emotions twisted into an indistinguishable mess. “We have yet to claim Cara. Is that what you are suggesting? Are you going to allow us to claim her?”
“Is that what she wants?” Zevon’s brows arched in challenge. “If her guardians approve the match, will Cara willingly submit to you?”
“Yes, sir. She will.”
Zevon pushed to his feet. “Laidon and Cylex, report to Tov in the morning. He will brief you on the mission then.”
“Yes, sir,” Laidon agreed and left the office.
Cylex stood also and headed for the door.
Zevon stopped him. “Say nothing to the females. This should come from Tov and Merrik.”
Once the door closed behind Cylex, Zevon sent a comm inquiry to Draven Aldar, the controller in Flora’s triad. He responded immediately from the control center of a spaceship. “What can I do for you, sir?”
“I need to speak with your mate. In fact, I’d like to speak with your entire triad.”
“Noratu and Flora are in our quarters. Give me a few moments and I will return the comm.”
The holo image blinked off and Tov released a ragged breath. “Are you going to ask or order?”
Zevon smiled. “That depends on them. I will start by asking, but this needs to happen. Stay off camera until we find out how this is going to go.”
Tov nodded. He would rather not make an enemy out of Flora and her mates, but he would gladly take Cara in whatever way he could get her and he knew Merrik felt the same.
Draven reactivated the holo-comm as promised. Flora and Noratu were with him. “Is there a problem, sir?”
“I am not sure yet. Were you aware that Cara’s power has been released?” Zevon began.
“Provost Nadis told us that she suspected that was the case, but Cara’s parents denied it,” Draven explained.
“It is not only true, but I’ve found the team responsible.”
“Tov and Merrik,” Flora guessed, but she smiled as she said it. “I’m pretty sure they’re dream sharing too.”
She didn’t seem angry. Maybe this would be easier than Tov had feared.
“You do not seem upset by this development,” Zevon noted. “Are you going to approve their request to claim her?”
“The final choice is up to Cara, but we have discussed it at length and have no objection.”
“Good. I have need of Cara for an upcoming mission and I am not comfortable sending her unless she is part of a power triad.”
“What sort of mission?” Flora wanted to know.
“Mission parameters are always confidential and you know it. I will inform Tov and Merrik that they have been approved to claim Cara. I am glad we are all in agreement.”
“Wait. I need to make sure Cara is okay with it too,” Flora objected.
“Well, do so quickly. Time is of the essence.”