Page 51 of Bound
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Cara focused inwardly, allowing her surroundings to blur. Locating her energy and channeling it through her hands had become routine. She could release bursts of fire, even continual streams of energy, easily hitting the targeting sensor at the end of the lane. She had successfully performed the exercise so many times that it left her restless and ready for more.
“Close your eyes,” Nadis suggested. “Use your gift to locate the target rather than depending on physical sight.”
Closing her eyes, Cara sensed the holo-target, feeling its position within the room, then she released a cautious pulse. The familiar chime of the targeting sensor confirmed that she’d been successful. Another image formed within her mind, vivid and tempting. She saw Merrik’s handsome features tense with passion as he thrust deep inside her, and she felt the vast store of energy available to him. She wanted that power flowing through her again, challenging and exhilarating her. She was a conduit. Forming a power triad was the purpose for her existence. Nadis was right. Cara would never be satisfied with any other fate.
“That was very good.” Nadis always kept her praise casual. Encouraging Cara without demoralizing Raina was quite a balancing act. “Continue, but do not tire yourself out. Your body is still adjusting to its new capabilities.” She turned back to Raina, who was utilizing the firing lane to Cara’s left. “Did the new technique work any better?”
The access implant in Cara’s forearm vibrated, indicating an incoming comm. Flora had sent the request, which was curious. Her cousin knew she was training. If this weren’t important, Flora would not have interrupted.
Cara accepted the holo-comm and moved to the room’s perimeter. “Hey, stranger,” she greeted as Flora’s miniature image stabilized. “I thought you’d forgotten about us.” It had only been three days since they’d spoken, but Flora was fun to tease.
“Why didn’t you tell me that Merrik and Tov released your power?” Flora’s features were expressionless, her voice conversational.
Cara glanced at Nadis accusingly, but she was busy instructing Raina. “I knew I could trust you, but there are no secrets from bonded mates. I wasn’t sure what to make of yours.”
Flora accepted the excuse with a nod. “Are you even considering any of the other teams?”
No longer seeing a reason to lie, she admitted, “No. I want Tov and Merrik.”
“I’m glad because Tov is on his way down there right now.”
Cara felt her eyes widen. “They are going to claim me today?”
Flora chuckled. “You just told me that’s what you want.”
“It is, but I was thinking you would approve our courtship, not jump right to claiming.”
Challenge arched Flora’s brows. “Have you been dream sharing with them?”
Okay, so she knew everything. “Yes, but—”
“Zevon needs you bonded for some sort of mission. Tov will have to explain the details. Zevon wouldn’t tell me. You said you want these guys. If you do, now is the time.”
“I do,” Cara said with more conviction. “I’m a little freaked out by the timing, but I know I want them.”
“Good.” Flora smiled encouragingly. “I guess all that’s left to say is congratulations. I hope you’ll be as happy as I am.”
Stunned by the sudden turn of events, Cara stared blankly at the room at large. This was what she wanted, what she’d been dreaming about since she was taken from Tov and Merrik. Still, she had so many questions. First and foremost, what was this mission and how long would they have to prepare? Having access to her mystic energy gave her more control than Raina, but it was nothing compared to the abilities of a power triad.
“What’s going on?” Raina asked, closing the distance between them.
Nadis followed, her expression knowing.
“Tov and Merrik have been given permission to claim me.” Cara looked at Nadis. “Did you tell Flora that they released my power?”
“Flora and her mates are your guardians. It is my responsibility to keep them informed of your progress.” Nadis’ brows drew together, creasing her forehead. “I thought this was what you wanted.”
“It is. This just feels really sudden.”
Tov strode into the training center, ending the conversation. He walked up to Cara and asked, “Did you speak with Flora?”
Cara nodded, her throat suddenly tight, mouth dry.
“It is my intention to take you to my ship so Merrik and I can claim you. Do you have any objections?”
She licked her lips and swallowed past the lump in her throat. “No. I am ready to be your mate.”