Page 100 of Hostile Takeover
Between her behavior at the cabin before the wedding and little flirtatious commentary and actions since then… she was pushing it.
Like today.
Usually, I would nip it in the bud, not wanting her to ever get comfortable disrespecting my wife.
Today… fuck it.
I was mad.
“You're right,” I told her. “Wehavealways been good friends, and that hasn't changed. You know what kind of man I am.”
“Well yeah,Iknow,” Jess mused. “I'm just starting to wonder if your wife does. We haven't seen you out at the cigar club lately, you haven't been…around, and in the mix like you usually are. You don’t socialize anymore.”
I scoffed. “I socialize plenty,” I argued. “But let's not forget the fact that I'm also running a billion-dollar business. There would be something wrong if I could hang out the same way I used to. I’m focused. And that was the case even before Nalani came along.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she agreed, putting on a flirtatious smile.
I could not and would not front. Jess was still an attractive woman and my brain—and body—remembered a lot about her. There was very little I could do about the fact that her current performance was causing a bit of commotion for my dick.
I shook my head.
“We should probably get to the real reason you showed up at my office, right?”
“You mean this alleged marketing meeting with just me and you?”
“Alleged?” I asked, eyebrow raised.
She smirked. “I mean… sure, wecouldtalk a little about plans, but it would be much more productive with a team in place, right?”
So it was a setup.
And Shiloh hadn’t caught it because it was originally supposed to be virtual.
There was that sly shit.
“I'll carry whatever we talk about back to my subordinates,” she said. “Orwe can schedule a different meeting, with the full team… and I could usethistime… to remind you what you've been missing. You do miss me… right?”
I sat back, shaking my head as a little chuckle broke through my lips. “Jess… as enticing of an offer as that might be… I was serious about my vows.”
She sighed. “Can’t blame a girl for trying though… right?”
“I’m sure I could.” I laughed. “But I won’t this time.”
“Right.” She grinned. “But… in the interest of maintaining our friendship… maybe I should come by the house for dinner tonight or something? Unless of course, you think your wife would object?”
Iknewmy wife would object.
Which was exactly why I nodded my agreement.
If Nalani wanted to play games, I was down with that and didn’t mind getting under her skin in the exact spot I knew was already sore.
Wedidtalk marketing, discussing plans for the next quarter for Jess to take back to her team. My spirits were high the rest of the day, making it much easier to get shit done, even without Shiloh there. She’d probably gone off to a spa for the day or something, but my schedule was already settled and I was more than capable of working through it on my own.
After hours, Jess met me in the parking lot, hopping in her car to follow me home, where I’d already given the chef a heads-up that we’d have a guest at dinner.
And Henry let me know that, for a change, Nalani was already home.