Page 99 of Hostile Takeover
Actually, no.
I cared, cared about being played for a fucking fool. I was ready to burn this fucking city down over her, ready to start a damn war because some bitch that meant nothing to me before this had dared put his hands on her.
And she “forgot”she was on birth control.
I tucked the need to respond to Henry at the back of my mind, ready to go back to what Shiloh had referred to yesterday—her first fucking strike—as my “he-motional crisis”.
That was, until a new knock sounded at the door.
Before I could answer, it was already open, and I was fully prepared to curse Shi the fuck out before I put her back to work, Webothknew she wasn’t fired.
She wasn’t the person who came in though.
It was Jess.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Sterling,” she practically purred as she closed the door behind her. “Thought instead of meeting virtually, I’d just pop in. Haven’t been seeing nearly enough of you now that you’re a married man.”
“With good reason,” I replied. “Boundaries.”
She smirked, slinking to the seat Shiloh had previously occupied to settle in. “Let me guess whose idea that was, your lovely wife?”
“I'm not run by my wife oranywoman,” I said.
Words that felt hollow considering the way Nalani's ass had me twisted in knots right now.
It was a privilege Jess had never had, despite her attempts otherwise. And she should be well aware of exactly what I was talking about. It was a large part of the reason she and I were not together.
There were a lot of overlaps in personality between Jess and Nalani, which wasn't surprising to me. Idefinitelyhad a type.
I wanted a strong woman, not someone I could easily bowl over. I wanted someone with some fight to her.
The problem with Jess was her ass wasn't just feisty; she wassly.
Some shit I absolutelyhatedas her partner. She was great at marketing, could spin any piece of news or data into exactly what she wanted to present, but didn’t know when to turn that shit off.
Probably why this current issue with Nalani felt more than a little triggering for me.
It reminded me of a dynamic I thought I’d left far behind me.
“Just teasing,” Jess said, her breasts practically spilling out of her top as she leaned forward. “But come on… even after we broke up, you and I have always been pretty close, right? We'vealwaysbeen good friends.”
She wasn't wrong.
Even though Jess and I didn't work out as a couple, we’d still been cool even after our breakup. I didn't see a reason not to be.
In fact, we’d still been intimate for a while after, until I put a stop to that too, knowing that discipline was necessary for what I wanted the next phase of my life to be.
A decision I was glad I had made when finding a wife and someone suitable to bear my children became less of a desire and more of a necessity.
It eliminated any messy crossover that would need to be explained to my wife and IthoughtJess and I had something of an understanding.
When I was completely single, she’d never been pushy about it, never tried to put herself in the way. She was supportive.
But something about the news of my marriage to Nalani had her wilding.