Page 98 of Hostile Takeover
“I’mleaving,grumpy ass,” she huffed. “My bad for trying to give you some wise counsel.”
“It’s not wise counsel, it’s bullshit and if you say another thing, you’re fired.”
She’d been turned toward the door, already on her way out, but she turned to glare at me. “You don’t have to fire me, motherfucker. I’ll see myself out.”
“Good!” she snapped, slamming the door behind her.
A moment later, she opened it again.
“I’ll be back when you get the stick out of your ass and stop acting like a damn toddler.”
She slammed the door again.
And I lifted that glass of bourbon to my lips.
This wasbullshit.
She’d known Nalani all of two months—barely—but she was firmly on her side, not even giving my perspective a second thought.
And she wasn’t alone in her favoritism. Of the few people I’d told about this situation, the select few that knew about the details of it, contract and all,nobodythought I was justified in feeling the way I did.
Which was fucked up.
Maybe Iwaswrong.
But it sure didn’t feel like it.
Instead of Shiloh’s morning interruption having the intended effect of getting me back to work, the opposite happened. I spent the next hour sulking even further over what I saw as a betrayal of our agreement and finishing my bourbon.
Was I being irrational?
I didn’t see it.
To me, it was rational asfuckto feel blindsided, after I’d spent so much time, effort, money, trying to get this woman to understand that when I called her my wife, I meant that shit.
I was all in.
I was holding up every possible element of what I was supposed to be bringing to our arrangement, going above and beyond, honestly. As fucked up as the start of this relationship was, I didn’t want our child conceived in misery. I wanted herhappy.
As happy as I could possibly make her.
As much as it was in my power to do.
And her ass “forgot” she was on birth control?
Knowing that a baby within the first two years was one of myfewstipulations?
That was fucked up to me.
And nobody would convince me otherwise.
My cell phone pinged with a message. A quick glance let me know it was from Henry. He was letting me know that after weeks in the wind, we’d finally picked up a scent for bitch ass EJ.
I swiped the text away.
With the shit Nalani had pulled on me, I didn’t even care about that right now.