Page 37 of Sold to the Bikers
Of how it could be with all of us together, not having to choose between them. Even in my wildest fantasies I never thought anything like that was possible.
I’m about to squirm right here on the barstool.
I can tell myself that bikers aren't my kind of guys, and loving how clear they make it that they want to blow my mind isn’t my style, but the truth is that all I have to do is think about them, and my heart is already racing.
“This… it’s just temporary.”
Jewel laughs. "Sure, keep telling yourself that."
I am, and I keep doing it, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Badass'shuge hand cradling my barely covered breast would be a lot sexier if Crusher wasn't sitting at the couch opposite looking at me like the blue plate special. I snuggle into Badass’s lap, and the possessive arm slung around my waist tightens, making it obvious that I’m claimed. I thought it couldn’t get worse than seeing Crusher the other night, but it’s like seeing me with the guys has made him a little crazy.
Animal, who’s sitting right next to me with his hand resting just under the hem of my schoolgirl style skirt, leans close. “He can look all he wants, but as long as we fucking breathe he’s never laying another hand on you.”
I raise my chin and grind my ass against Badass’s lap, feeling him swell beneath me. We want the Unwanted to think that alongside drugs and weapons, the Eagles are toying with the idea of building a stable of women, and that I might just be the first. An impulsive trial run, so to speak.
“Good girl,” Badass whispers in my ear as his thumb flicks over my nipple. “You can do this.”
Quickshot is sitting on the other side. He takes one of my hands for himself and rests it on the outside of his jeans, right over his cock. Even at rest, the bulge is impressive.
What does it say about me that being watched is actually kind of exciting? I don’t like who’s doing the watching, but if this was a normal night at the bar in a dark corner booth…
This is supposed to all be pretend, but am I pretending just a little too eagerly? Because I'm aching for Animal to start moving his fingers, or for Badass to pull me closer. Or even to slip my hand inside Quickshot's pants instead of just rubbing him from outside them. I want to find out if a second time would be just as fun as the first.
They're the wild ones, I'm not. At least I thought I wasn't. But that doesn't keep the adrenaline from flowing at being shown off. And when Badass pinches my nipple gently, I have to smother the moan after my initial sharp gasp.
"I appreciate the show, but how about they just fuck her so we can be done with it and fucking concentrate?" Cain, the president of the Unwanted, is graying and leathery. He looks like he's had a lot of hours on his bike and never worried too much about sunscreen. His eyes are small and greedy, but he's built like a bull and his Unwanted patch is big across his broad back.
"Don’t fucking look at us. Crusher was the one who wanted to see the girl," says Animal, sounding like he's spoiling for a fight. "We bought her to fuck, not to do magic tricks.”
“I’ll give her something to make disappear,” Crusher says with a nasty chuckle.
Underneath me, Badass goes deathly still. His hand stops moving, and I can feel the violence humming right under his skin. I reach up and run my hand up the side of his neck and into his hair. I might hate Crusher with the fury of a thousand suns, but he doesn’t scare me anymore, not when I’m surrounded by these men.
I want him taken down so he doesn’t get his dirty hands on my sister or anyone else.
"Keep it in your fucking pants," booms Eagle-eye. “You want to go fuck your slut? Do it on your own time. This is a God damned business meeting, not an orgy.”
"Sir," rumbles Badass with a nod, but his grip on me doesn't loosen one bit, and if anything, it’s just getting harder.
"Alright, Cain. You know what we can offer. Tell me why I’m not wasting my fucking time here.”
Cain eases back on the couch and draws a long drag from his beer. It’s weird to be in the bar when it’s nearly empty. Just a half dozen guys from each club with Chef manning the bar. I don't know how wise a choice that is. It really wouldn't surprise me if he's spit into every single one of the Unwanted's bottles. The way he's glowering at Cain’s back, it's obvious there's no love lost there. He sees me watching and grins, showing off a gold tooth.
“My turn.” Animal grabs my arm and with a sudden move, pulls me into his lap, facing him. Almost immediately, his hands are up under the skirt and clutching my ass. “You’re doing fucking great,” he whispers. “Maybe a little too good. You feel that?” His grip on my ass tightens and he presses me down onto the hard cock trapped between us.
I draw a long shaky breath through my nose as I wet my lips, then nod. I know this is all part of the script, but I’m not a robot. The feel of him hard and ready between my legs does all sorts of things to me. I bury my face in his neck and grind my hips with the scent of leather and aftershave in my nose.
Badass grabs my thigh, squeezing it. "I wasn't fucking done with her."
"Learn to share." Animal smirks at him and gives my ass a spank so I squeak into his throat.
"Jesus fucking Christ," grumbles Eagle-eye.