Page 38 of Sold to the Bikers
I glance over my shoulder. Cain's brought several officers to the meeting, and they’ve all been watching, but Crusher is the only one that makes me want to go take a hot shower to wash off the feel of his gaze.
"Make him look somewhere else," I whisper at Animal.
"Hey, fuckface." Animal waves a hand at him.
"What do you want?"
"You lost your fucking chance when you sold her. Find something else to look at."
"Did you forget you still owe us a whack of cash? As far as I’m concerned, you’re just warming up my property until I see it." He leans back on the couch, spreading his arms onto the backrest and looks very pointedly right at my ass.
"What the fuck’d you say?" growls Quickshot.
"You still owe us fifteen grand, and a cut of whoring her out. You bought her virginity, but long term, she's a fucking lease. I'd be happy to bring her back to our place and cut out the middlemen, though."
“Enough!” Eagle-eye roars. “King, deal with this before I do.”
King, stern and tall, stands and fixes Crusher and my guys with a look that promises trouble if they don’t listen. “You heard Prez. Take it elsewhere.”
“You don’t give me orders,” Crusher sneers.
“I do,” Cain snaps. “Do what he says.”
"Prez, they owe us fucking money."
The greed in Cain's beady eyes is unmistakable. "Think bigger. The girl is fucking pocket change. Who gives a fuck?"
"That's bullshit. It's a fucking hundred grand that she owes."
I'll give Crusher this, he's got enough balls to argue with his boss. I'd honestly expected him to back down when Cain broke in. But maybe that’s part of why the Eagles are so much more successful. I know for a fact that if Animal and Badass weren’t trying to get a rise out of them, they wouldn’t have pushed Eagle-eyes limits. At least not without a better reason.
"Then it's up to you to collect. I got deals to make."
"Free rein?" Crusher asks, looking scarily pleased at the prospect.
"Sure. Now clear out."
When Crusher's eyes meet mine, my stomach sinks. He’s not giving up, and I’m not even sure it’s all about the money anymore. He wants to humiliate me, and the Eagles.
King marches us all out to the bar. “You dickheads have a beef to settle? Do it where you’re not getting in the fucking way.” He looks down on Crusher like shit he found on the bottom of his shoe. “Don’t test us. You won’t like how it turns out for you.”
Crusher’s face goes magenta with rage, but he keeps his mouth shut until King goes back to the table. Then he turns all that humiliated anger on me. “You and me? We had a fucking deal. If you’re not holding up your end of it, I’m gonna start thinking long and hard about mine. Understand?”
I nod.
“Are you fucking threatening her?” Quickshot says, stepping right up to Crusher with murder in his eyes.
“Why do you give a fuck?” Crusher asks. “Is her cunt that magical? I can’t wait to get my shot.”
Animal lunges, making Crusher flinch back in surprise.
Badass chuckles, but there’s no humor in his expression.
“Three fucking days,” Crusher spits at me. “I want to see my money or all bets are off.” He looks back at the table where Cain and the others are having their meeting, and then stomps out.
Him leaving should make me feel better, but now I’m scared that I sacrificed myself for my sister, and instead I might’ve just made everything worse. I must look like I need it, because Chef puts a glass down on the bar in front of me, and he doesn’t even make a rude comment.