Page 43 of Watering Stone
Venetia laughed. “Too much?”
“Nope. Just enough. Let’s go.”
Reynaldo’s mother was crooning over the twins while holding Penina in her arms in the dining room. Bottles were lined up, and Kane knew what to do.
Venetia spoke to her mother-in-law and gave her her number and Syar’s. She obviously had Reynaldo’s. “Anything. Anything at all, and we are back here in ten minutes.”
Mary grinned. “We are fine. Horatio is just out petting the horses. We love visiting the horses when we come here. It was so nice of you to join the boys. They are so happy it is ridiculous.”
“Yeah, well, it was an altruistic thought gone wrong.” Venetia smiled. “So, you are good?”
Mary nodded. “We are good. Have fun, and don’t come back too early.”
Venetia kissed the babies one by one, and then she held her hand out to Elly. Elly took it, and they headed out to the city in a carriage.
“So, how are the big cats dealing with the increased traffic at the residence?” Elly chuckled.
“They come in in the early hours. I scratch chins, cuddle the babies, and then they head back to the mountain.”
They chatted, and when the driver pulled up next to a pathway, Ven said, “Down there is the entertainer entrance. Keep your lanyard front and centre, and there won’t be a problem. If there is, call the boys.” Ven winked.
Elly stepped down and let her hair ripple and wave in the night air. She walked down the gravel path for half a kilometre and came out of the jungle to stand in front of a fence with two hulking alphas. She waved. “Hello.”
One of them sighed and stepped forward, gesturing for her to show her lanyard. The UV showed a dragon imprint behind the logo of the roaring jaguar.
“Eliana. Elly.”
The man stiffened and nodded. “Right. Just wait here, and we will have someone bring you to the dressing room.”
“Oh. Okay.”
She walked in and stepped to the side, waiting.
The alphas looked her over. One of them asked, “So, how do you know the band?”
“Oh, I used to date Key when I was sixteen and he was eighteen. We just reconnected.” It was true and not too embarrassing. She was still coming to grips with the whole idea of all of them.
A familiar face with scraped-back hair and a tight shirt that saidstaffwas an excellent identifier. “Hey, Taz.”
Taz grinned. “Come on Eliana. Your mates are waiting for you.”
The alphas yelped, “Mates?”
Elly grimaced and followed her friend. “What are you doing here, Taz?”
“Emergency electrical staff,” Taz smirked. “You know me and power.”
“Yeah. I do.”
They walked through the backstage area to a series of dressing rooms with labels on the doors. Emerald Shiver was where Taz stopped. She knocked on the door and called out, “Guys, there is a fan here to get something signed.”
There was a groan from inside that she identified as Mano’s. He was urged to open the door, and when he did, the resigned look on his face turned to delight. “Elly!” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her inside while slamming the door in the laughing Taz’s face.
The other two were laughing. They had felt Elly outside the door.
He popped something into his mouth before Mano kissed her, and she held onto his shirt while he pressed her to a pillar at the edge of the dressing room. The ridge in his jeans rocked against her sensitive bits, and she started gasping and moaning until she shuddered against him and moaned softly. He pressed soft kisses to her cheek and temple. She blinked as her body throbbed and pulsed. “What’s in your mouth?”