Page 44 of Watering Stone
He chuckled, sucked, and pulled out two pieces of plastic or silicone. “Nalu suggested a bite guard, and I had one when I was eighteen, so I just asked my mom to bring it.”
“Oh, right. Mom. Shit. How am I going to explain this to my mother? Or my sister? Shit. She’s vegan.”
Mano started laughing, and the other two joined in. She had seen them eat. Vegans were just something that had the potential to end up on the plate. Sure, they ate fruit and salads, but meat was the main.
She blushed. “You might want to back up to let your jeans dry. Or change them.”
He grinned. “I will have it to remember you by while we are performing.”
She groaned. “Go change.”
He shook his head and pressed more firmly against her. “By the time we get out of here, it is going to be after midnight, and then it’s my day.”
Nalu got to his feet. “Hey, that’s right. It’s my day.”
Mano laughed and eased her to her feet. “Really like the skirt, by the way.”
“Yeah, yeah,” She muttered before Nalu grabbed and kissed her until she moaned and bit his lip lightly.
He grinned and pressed his forehead to hers. They remained there with his growing affection for her surging through the link.
She sighed and smiled. “When do you guys go on?”
“In an hour.”
Nalu guided her hand to the snap of his jeans. “Whatever can we do for an hour?”
Shit.He could do it, too. She looked at the bright light of his eyes and felt anticipation through the link. It was research, after all.
Chapter Nine
Eliana stood behind the stage and watched their performance. The ladies had knocked it out of the park and warmed the audience up nicely.
She listened to Keahi sing, and it was just as lovely as it had been when they stood overlooking the lake and he had his arms around her. They had slightly swayed as he sang to her, and that was where she first fell in love with him. The song had been sweet, but she had never heard it on an album. It was theirs.
They took a break for a few minutes. Sweaty and exhilarated, she was hugged on all sides.
They went to the table of water and snacks, checked the time, and then Keahi smiled at her. “I really want to sing it. Can I?”
“Sure. Just don’t fuck it up.” She hopped up and kissed his cheek. He lifted her and kissed her then set her down on her feet.
From the wings, Elly watched them settle in, and Taz came up and murmured, “All his songs are about you.”
“Every single one.Nights at the Diner, Kisses and Shivers, Running from Love.”
She looked at Taz blankly. “What?”
“How do you not know that?”
“I only listen to the instrumentals. Listening to his voice hurt.”
“Well, he’s now getting ready to sing your song.”
She swallowed and actually listened to the lyrics while her mind couldn’t grasp what she was hearing. He sang about slow walks and slower kisses, her in his arms under the stars, and the feeling of her heart in time with his. Elly blinked and knew she would demand that he sing her his entire repertoire.
Through her link, she felt love. It poured through her as he sang, and she really wanted to hold onto the resentment that had driven her forward.