Page 45 of Watering Stone
When the song wound to a close, he said into the mic, “I wrote that song over ten years ago for Elly. So, Elly, can you come up here for a minute?”
Taz put a hand on her back and guided her to the stage.
Elly blinked and didn’t know where to look to get a path to him, so she just used the mark to guide her along. She waved at the crowd, and there was a surge of enthusiasm.
She saw Keahi and held her hands out as he approached, but he wrapped her in his arms and dipped her backward for his kiss. He righted her, took the mic, and said, “Congratulate us. We have managed to capture a bestselling author in the wild. Ingrid Adler, you are now my inspiration.” He continued, “And if any of you knew how hard it was to get an author into daylight, let alone out to an island, it was a superhuman feat that just one alpha could not accomplish.”
The crowd laughed, and Nalu came over and kissed her, spinning her around. She could feel her mark moving on her back, and there were gasps and more cheers. Wild screams happened when Mano lifted her, tucked her against him, and kissed her face to face. He grinned and whispered, “I’m a crowd favourite.”
She snorted, and he spun around before setting her back on her feet. Keahi retrieved her and told the crowd, “She has been the inspiration for every song I have written in the last ten years and all the ones not yet written.”
He kissed her cheek and then geared up to finish the second set. She retreated and walked back to the wings. Taz was laughing at her expression.
She got a bottle of water and drank it, leaning against the table. “That was embarrassing.”
Taz laughed. “And hearts broke all over the world.”
“Meh. I don’t know how much touring they are going to be doing in the future.”
A familiar figure walked up to her. “So, you are the one that Bertold pulled him away from for mentorship.”
“Hey, Jack. Yeah. I am.”
“Do they know you can sing?”
“Nope, and they are not going to. How did the ladies do?”
“Great. I wish they were willing to tour.”
She laughed. “No, we like to keep our freedom. The videos are all we need. They are keeping the club able to buy homes for those who have been dumped by their families. You know, like Tiffany or Bex.”
He nodded. “Bex was here today. She was dancing.”
“Geez. Was there a riot?”
“No, she has it under control right now.”
Elly winced. “Oh.”
He shrugged. “Well, she’s gotta eat. After Luna’s situation, I have a much more open mind about this kind of thing.”
“Yeah, her story will do that.”
He nodded.
“So, how’s Erik?” she asked impishly.
Jack sighed. “My son is going to have no trouble with the ladies. All of you dote over him.”
“He’s adorable, and he takes care of his mother.”
The frost dragon nodded.
“How’s the new baby?”
He laughed. “Loud but healthy. I am actually enjoying being there.”
“And yet, here you are.”