Page 8 of Reckless Roulette
“Fucking hell, and you decided to just walk?”
“No, I decided this asshole buddy of yours could give me a ride,” I growl.
“Then why’d you get out of the car?” Harker asks as I notice a different group coming from in front of me. They’re trying to shoo me down an alleyway where they’ll block me in and make my life miserable.
I guess the only thing I have going for me is they’re not going to kill me. No, they want to beat me down, humiliate me, and show me that I’m nothing compared to them.
Angrily, I tug on my tie that feels annoyingly tight and rush across the street, but there are more over here. What a fucking joke.
If I run, I’ll look weak, I’ll look scared, and I cannot look scared. I have to act smart.
The fucking smart thing to do would have been to toss out the damn cigarette.
Anger surges inside me at the thought of how Len dared treat me, enough that I end up spinning around and rushing right for the closest asshole. He tries dodging my hit but I end up clocking him under the chin with an uppercut.
He stumbles back and then they’re all closing in on me. There’s ten or so and they swarm toward me as I see people on the street disperse. They don’t run, they’re used to shit like this in this godforsaken city. But they also don’t want to be a part of it, so as the first fist flies, they casually turn the other way.
The second one doesn’t go down as easy and by then they’re all on me, punching and kicking as I try to protect my face and get as many hits in as I can, but I’m not a skilled fighter.
One socks me in the stomach hard enough he knocks the air out of me, and I miss the hit that comes straight for my head. It’s hard enough it makes darkness creep into my vision, but as I come back, I come back throwing punches.
There are just too many and I’m not skilled enough to keep up with them.
And then they’re gone.
I stagger back and look up as a black car pulls up and a group of my men get out. Harker is rushing toward me, gun drawn, but they’re already gone.
This was just a warning. They just wanted to play.
I spit blood onto the ground as I look up at Harker who tries to usher me toward his car.
“You alright?” he asks.
“We need to play our cards carefully against Norn,” he says, like he thinks that’s where the rage in my body is aimed at.
“Why did you go out without guards, boss?” a man who works as a guard for the casino says.
“I’m not wasting all of the casino’s security on myself. Let’s go,” I growl, but I also hate the idea of Norn thinking he’s scared me enough that I need gobs of people protecting me.
I’m shoved into the back seat as two burly guards cram in on either side of me and Harker gets into the driver’s seat. I light a much-needed cigarette as I seethe, my eyes glancing down at the burn on my hand from the last cigarette I’d lit. It doesn’t hurt anywhere near the way my face currently does, and my ribs ache, but I don’t think anything’s broken.
I don’t say anything as they head to the casino but the moment I’m inside, I look around me.
Since it’s early, the casino won’t be in full swing for a few hours, so besides a few regulars, the only people here are ones who work for me.
“I wanteveryonein the back roomnow,” I bark and people fuckingscramble.
Thisis how people treat me.Thisis how people should act around me. I turn and point at one of the guards. “Jump,” I growl.
“W-What?” he asks, like he misheard me.
“I said jump.” And the man jumps.
“Oh. My. God,” Harker says as he grabs my face in his hand. “You’re so pissednotbecause of Norn sendingten mento rough you up and kill your driver, you’re pissed that Len doesn’t listen to you.”
“Where’s he live?” I ask.